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There’s a good chance that by the time you read this, it will be a moot point, and Kamala Harris will have chosen someone else. But over night Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has shot up the betting markets. Considering he makes Kamala look like less of a radical progressive, choosing him would be such a Democrat Party thing to do.

Here’s where things stand as of 7:13 AM:

The conventional wisdom is that Harris needs to pick a white man. Their cynical belief is that white men in this country would never vote for her because she is black and female; having a white male running mate would give people “permission” and make them feel “safe” to vote for Kamala.

The odds on favorite was Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, but he has two strikes against him:

1. He has claimed to have some moderate options, though we all know he would flop on all of them.

2. He’s Jewish, and this is the Democrat Party in 2024.

Enter Walz who has it all. He’s white. He’s a man. And he’s a progressive lunatic.

Three words: Summer of Love.

During the pandemic, Walz not only locked citizens in their homes and masked up children for as long as possible, he set up a hotline so that people could snitch on their neighbors.

He changed the state flag because it was not “inclusive enough” and made it look more so that Minnesota’s Somali population would feel at home.

He has turned Minnesota into a sanctuary state for parents who want to mutilate their children’s genitals. Let alone, one where boys are encouraged to steal opportunities from girls as long as those boys claim to be girls.

And to top it all off, he’s a socialist.

You can see why Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) think he would be the perfect running mate for Kamala Harris. Donald Trump should be so lucky, and JD Vance would have an amazing time during the debate.

We’ll know for sure in a bit.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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