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The plan for Kamala Harris is clear. Avoid the press until after her speech at the convention. Then hold a “press” “conference.” Question one will be how enchanted it is to be the first Black woman running for president. Questions two and three will be lay-ups to attack Donald Trump. We might get a policy question around question five. Then the media will go back claiming anything she said prior to announcing she’s running for president doesn’t count. Why? On Thursday, three different clips made their way around X-Twitter showing why.

Like in 2017, where the pro-illegal immigrant Kamala Harris went on an angry rant about people saying Merry Christmas. According to the not border czar, how dare you say “Merry Christmas” where derpity derp no human being is illegal derp derp.

Kamala was also a pioneer in letting men change their gender to be women in prison. So much so, that in 2019 she bragged about it.

Then there is this clip from last night. What’s most funny here is that earlier in the day, she sat in a car for thirty minutes to prepare to give a written statement of other people’s words she read to the press, then got back in the car without taking any questions. As you see, when left to her own thoughts, she tosses the word salad like this:

These are the two Kamalas that the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) want to hide from the public. One is the lunatic progressive extremist (which makes her your average Democrat). The other is the person who, when she speaks, sounds unsmart.

The more they want to hide clips like this, the more we need to amplify them.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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The Best Breakdown of Trump at the Black Journalist Associationyoutu.be