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Politics in these United States of the Americas this week can be summarized with three things: whose side is weird, the unauthenicality of Kamala Harris, and pretending that the last four years of her as Vice President (and her running for president before then) didn’t exist. There are few examples that combine the three better than when child actors were paid to talk to her about how awesome space is.

Let’s take you back to October 2021…

Adele ruled the airwaves. A young Andrew Schulz made us laugh. Everyone wanted to free Britney Spears before learning it was a mistake to do so. And Kamala Harris has been missing in action for a decent chunk of the Biden presidency.

Part of it could be by design so that she didn’t get any of Joe Biden’s initial failure on her (it’s been a long four years). She could also have been benched because when they let her speak — like on the border crisis or voting rights — she choked. Then on the rare occasion she stuck her head out, Iran uses her for propaganda. It could be the simple fact that she sucks at her job. Or, it could be that she sucked at life and wasn’t a very likable person. Harris advisors thought it was the latter, and brought on a PR firm to make Harris likable. One run by Jen Psaki’s brother-in-law.

In what may have been their first attempt (and evidence the PR firm needed a PR firm to advise them) Kamala Harris pretended to relate to a group of students about space exploration. The plan was for Harris to get more children interested in space. Whether or not she got confused over what “alien” problem she was supposed to deal with is open for interpretation. But it beats the all-girl reboot of Dumb and Dumber.

Jar Jar Binks was more believable in the Star Wars prequels. And that guy was half computer graphics, half dude in a green bodysuit. If the White House put a crash test dummy in the seat with a speaker for a mouth and had someone doing a Kamala Harris impersonation from behind the curtains, Crash Test Kamala would be more authentic.

Then it managed to get worse. The Washington Examiner reoprted the actors were all chosen as part of a casting process. The father of one of the kids said his son had “been trying to do this type of thing for a while. And so he has a manager and an agent in LA and they send him castings.” His son and four others landed a role of a lifetime: the YouTube Originals “Get Curious with Vice President Harris.”

We the People deserve to see the outtakes. I want to see the director’s stage directions:

“Okay, in this scene you are stuck in a conversation with that annoying aunt no one likes. It’s awkward. It’s uncomfortable. You’d rather be banging your head against the wall. But you have to pretend to listen to her because she’s the vice president. Show me that.”

To convince the American people that Kamala Harris is likable, they tried to turn her into a YouTube star. Now they are trying to turn her into a “meme queen” and paying influencers to say how awesome she is. The more things change, the more the media tries to tell you they never happened in the first place.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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