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After the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, I was informed that we were turning down the heat on the political rhetoric.

Are we…are we not doing that now?

Nope. We aren’t.

Now that Trump has named J.D. Vance as his Vice Presidential candidate, leftist have turned their vile, disgusting rhetoric toward him. After he was announced, Lefty X accounts went after his wife for being “a brown woman” who is married to a conservative.

As much as you hate identity politics, you don’t hate it enough.

Let’s not pretend the message isn’t clear. If you aren’t a white person, you must be aligned with the left. They say the same things about women, but they don’t know what women are, so I guess we can disregard that. Reducing people to their skin color, while racist, is acceptable if you put a D by your name. Believe it or not, that’s the America we live in.

Attacking Vance’s wife was a pretty awful opening salvo, another weird rumor circulating on the Interwebz was that Vance had sex with a couch.

Um what?

I wrote a review of Hillbilly Elegy about two weeks ago. I did not remember him having sex with a couch. I honestly thought to myself, “Holy sh*t! How did I miss that?”

I didn’t miss it. Because it’s not in the book. It’s not a thing that happened. It’s not a thing that J.D. Vance wrote about. The fact checkers have come out to make their presence known, but the screeching leftist harpies don’t care. Neither did Steven Colbert. Or John Oliver. But that’s okay, isn’t it? I mean, people on the right think Michelle Obama is a man. It’s not like Yahoo, Newsweek, Politifact, and Snopes (amongst others) have run to the former First Lady’s defense.

Oh, wait. They did.

As long as we’re deep in the heart of conspiracy theories, Joan Rivers might have died for this rumor.

The media also tried to ding Vance because he hasn’t addressed the rumors.

He shouldn’t. It’s smart for him not to. Let the idiots on X hash it out. There are people on there who think Ted Cruz was the Zodiac Killer despite the fact that he hadn’t been born when the murders occurred.

Finally, the German publisher of Hillbilly Elegy has decided they will stop printing new copies of the book translated in German. Because German’s banning books doesn’t put up any red flags. HarperCollins is trying to meet demand as the sales have reignited after the VP announcement. But leftist political activism trumps capitalism any day.

It’s fine. Everything’s fine. This is what a healthy republic with a serious constituency looks like. Go about your business.


Kate works in production at LwC. She is an author. When she isn’t writing…who are we kidding? She’s always writing. You can find her here on X.