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For all of human history, society has had a system to categorize sports. However, one day progressives woke up and decided that trans rights are more important than women’s rights. Subsequently, New York is now dedicated to destroying girls’ sports.

New York is working on finalizing policy changes that would mandate high school boys to be allowed to compete against girls for spots on sports teams.

According to The Journal News:

New York may order high schools to let boys play girls-only sports and compete against girls for spots on those teams under a proposed policy change that has alarmed school administrators.

The proposal by the state Education Department would break down gender distinctions for any sports that don’t offer separate teams for both boys and girls. So it would have no impact on soccer, lacrosse, track and other two-sex sports.

But boys could now compete with girls in softball and field hockey, both in tryouts and games. They could join the girls’ volleyball team if their school doesn’t have a boys’ team. And they could scramble beside girls in flag football, a growing sport for high school girls since it started two years ago.

Nothing says inclusions by trumping the rights of girls everywhere and excluding them from rights they used to be born with. And according to progressives, this makes them the compassionate ones.

We can also be certain that there will be no trans men who will be trying out for the guy’s team, as it’s almost always the other way around.

Why do you think that is?

The idea was floated in May to bring greater equity to high school sports. But administrators fear it could do just the opposite if boys start to replace girls on teams. They also worry that welcoming larger boy players onto the field could endanger the safety of girls, exposing them to injuries and their school districts to lawsuits if girls get hurt.

How many people have to get hurt before the state realizes how foolish this policy is? In one specific instance, a high school player had her teeth knocked out and was severely injured after a male was allowed to compete against girls. How is that equitable?

The proposal has nothing to do with transgender students who play sports, a lightning-rod topic for conservatives. New York’s anti-discrimination laws already enable transgender athletes to play on their chosen team, so the state had no need to address that issue through a policy change.

Under current regulations, high school girls who want to play football, ice hockey or another boys sport must get a review panel’s approval. After the Mandelzis complaint, the state decided to revisit those rules and held meetings with various groups on five evenings last October to discuss solutions. Some students and parents also participated.

That’s because one girl playing a contact sport against guys is dangerous, and not everyone can safely play against the opposite gender. Hence, a player getting her teeth knocked out.

Do these people even think? Because all they do is pretend they are fighting some fake cause and destroy any bit of sanity left, for reasons they will never be able to comprehend.

The Education Department cast them as the product of consensus, saying the people who participated in the October meetings had agreed the state should “eliminate gender distinctions wherever possible.”

This is the problem with labeling something like “discrimination” as always bad. A lot of discrimination is a good thing, especially when it comes to sports. Ending “gender discrimination” in sports makes no sense because these policies are based on biological differences, which is why the sexes should not be treated the same.

What about discrimination against the better player? Should that be outlawed, too?

These people are painfully retarded and it’s time we start requiring policymakers to take basic anatomy and biology tests, as even five-year-olds know these differences. This is not equal, equitable, or compassionate and it’s incomprehensible that these conversations must be had in modern times. But we are dealing with some incredibly foolish people, so always expect the unexpected.

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