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Pocahontas is trying to be relevant again by confirming what everyone knows to be the Democrat’s end goal, which is mass citizenship for all alien invaders let in by the border czar.

First, they told you that the border crisis was a myth. Then they told you it’s the fault of MAGA Republicans. And now they are trying to rewrite history by claiming Kamala Harris had nothing to do with it, even though that was basically her only job.

According to nearly every reputable poll, immigration is one of the top issues Americans are concerned about this election season. And handing over mass citizenship may not be the best way the Dems can correct their failures, but Pocahontas believes otherwise, as she claimed this is the only way to solve their mess.

According to Fox News:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass., call for a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants already in the country was seen as a stunning admission by social media users on Sunday.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper asked Warren about backlash against Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris’ record on the border crisis, since President Biden put her in charge of solving the issue early in his administration.

“Border crossings now are lower than they were in the last year of the Trump administration. But recognize – and I know that Kamala Harris knows – this is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by Congress,” Warren said.

Wow. What a coincidence that the amount of alien invaders has only decreased during an election year. Ironic how some things play out.

She continued, “We need the tools in order to have more resources at the border, to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. And I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.”

Can someone tell Pocahontas it’s not her job to provide resources for foreign nationals? And can anyone even name one thing this miserable woman has done for the American people?

No? Thought so.

Is this her version of moderate? Because I hardly doubt this rhetoric will gain swing votes.

This is such a typical progressive move. Create total chaos and jump in to “save” the day after creating the mess, while they benefit from America’s demise. It truly is a leftist art form.

Obviously, granting mass citizenship to alien invaders will solely benefit Democrats, at the expense of the American people, which is the exact opposite of their job description. Lawmakers have a fiduciary duty to protect our freedom and they cannot do that by awarding foreign nationals voting rights. That is foolish and evil, especially at a time when Americans are greatly suffering.

While these people claim to be the passionate ones by making sure no human is illegal, they are contributing to the downfall of this great civilization, and that is evil, at best.

It’s not her job to demand mass citizenship status and that claim alone should bar her from holding any political position. But that’s not how things work because we are run by a bunch of tyrants who are dumber than her.

Here’s a thought: How about mass deportation instead? My goodness, these people only become emboldened by the day and the gaslighting is especially pathetic considering we already have a path to citizenship. But anything to make sure no human is illegal, right?

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