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While we’re still being expected to believe that Kamala Harris was never the border czar, the new thing dropped. We are now also supposed to believe that Kamala Harris never supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

I guess the technicality here—since “fact” “checking” is less about checking facts as much as it is nitpicking over rhetoric when it’s a problem for a Democrat—is that Kamala didn’t donate money herself. She ONLY encouraged her supporters to do so. The thing is, she has been lying about even doing that for years.

Let’s take a trip back in time…

At the height of the mostly peaceful violent riots during the summer of 2020, the a-list way to signal your virtue was to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. All the influencers were doing it. If you didn’t donate to MFF, you were literally hate incarnate. It should come as no surprise that Kamala Harris took the opportunity to pander by tweeting her support of MFF.

A lot has changed since then. The Democrat-led “Defund the Police” movement has caused a massive increase in crime that voters blame Democrats for. The MFF was exposed as less than truthful. And Kamala Harris claims it is misinformation to say she supported it.

Please note that this is a clip from WCCO. The same WCCO that yesterday said none of this ever happened.

The tweet is still up, lady.

And for when the tweet stops being up as more people point out that the tweet is still up.

Kamala signaled her virtue in June 2020. In September 2020, it was reported the fund she signaled her virtue towards and encouraged her supporters to donate to was using those donations to bail out not “peaceful” “protesters,” but alleged murderers and rapists.

I often don’t even look at a charge when I bail someone out,” MFF’s Greg Lewin said when asked about bailing out these suspects. “I will see it after I pay the bill because it is not the point. The point is the system we are fighting.

Now that it is 2024 and she’s running for president, the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) are working overtime to memory-hole anything she has said and done prior to Monday. Let’s not let them.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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