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In the end of 2023, the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) wanted Joe Biden to replace Kamala Harris on the ticket because she was going to cause him to lose to Donald Trump. Seven months, having Trump convicted of thirty-four bookkeeping errors, a disastrous debate, and a failed assassination attempt later, Joe Biden was losing to Donald Trump. So he got meangirled out of the race in favor of Kamala Harris… who we’re supposed to believe there is a sudden, grassroots, brat, preppy, lit, drip, bussin’, insert Gen Z slang here, movement towards.

Nope. Or since we’re supposed to believe Kamala is a “Gen Z meme queen,” CAP! The blatant PR campaign smells as bad as Biden’s last soiled adult diaper. The one that he’s going to find his aides isn’t willing to change anymore. They’ll be too busy planning mock dinners for Kamala to practice acting like a human. Speaking of poop, it’s taking an endorsement amount of self-control not to put the word “bowel” before any mention of the Kamala “movement.” Let’s all be adults here.

Now, do I have a peer-reviewed study that’s been independently fact-checked by “independent” “fact” checkers proving the “KHive” is the witchcraft of PR and marking professionals? No. But we’ve seen how the left operates.

This is what they want you to believe:

When in actuality:

The Left uses celebrities and influencers to push their agenda, knowing both won’t ask questions, will just repeat what they’re told, and take the money, knowing that any misinformation told will be sworn by the media.

It’s been going on since at least 2016 when Mike Rowe exposed the Obama White House (that Joe is the former vice president of) expecting Obama stans to repeat his anti-gun rhetoric. “If our elected officials are going to rely on actors and comedians to advance their political agendas, let’s not limit them to 140 characters or a list of pre-approved talking points.”

Then came TikTok, where you can earn a quick $400 for making an anti-Trump video. The catch is you can’t ask questions, or make any attempt to verify the information you’re being told to repeat. Legal influencer Preston Moore found this out when he got an offer from something called the “The Good Information Foundation.” It’s a shadowy dark money group run by Former Obama Under Secretary of State Rick Stengel, claiming that “America is in an information crisis,” and that “disinformation is threatening public health, safety, social trust and democracy.”

They didn’t like Preston asking questions about the disinformation he was asked to spread to save democracy.

The Left didn’t like it when TikToker, internet personality, and OnlyFans model Farha Khalidi asked questions either. During the Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings, a white woman from the Biden Admin wanted Khalidi to create content about how important it was for her to see Jackson up there as “a brown person.”

The funny thing is they’re, like, “Do not disclose this as an ad” because they [were], like, “Technically, it’s not a product, so you don’t have to disclose it’s an ad.” … I’m not gonna have a White person tell me “This is how I feel as a person of color.” I think that black-pilled me slightly on political propaganda.”

And when all else fails, they can go the old-fashioned route. Have Democrat strategists send memos and talking points to the media outlining how they would prefer the news be reported. Democratic mega-donor Reid Hoffman’s strategist Dmitri Mehlhorn got busted doing that, attempting to get the media to claim Trump staged the shooting. In Mehlhorn’s defense, you can understand why he thought the media would go for it based on their coverage of Trump for the past eight years. But it would require explaining on what planet you think Donald Trump would put himself in the line of fire of live ammo.

(And you may remember Hoffman as being the Democrat billionaire who funded the E. Jean Carroll lawsuit)

Will Kamala be getting a bump in the polls? Sure. She’s new. Democrats are excited they don’t have to pop up a corpse anymore. That’s natural and that’s legit. Then the Trump campaign will recalibrate to a new opponent and remind people what a disaster she is, was, and will be if elected.

What’s not natural is the sudden “movement” around her. No one’s seven-year-old is running into the room with happy tears in their eyes, crying, “Mommy, I can’t believe Kamala is running! She’s so brat! I’m going to write a letter to Taylor Swift asking her to endorse Kamala so that I’ll get my rights back.”

That’s all malarky. Respond accordingly.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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Debunked: Kamala Harris’ BS Trump Talking Pointsyoutu.be