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In the progressive pursuit to make sure no human is illegal, law-abiding Americans suffer the consequences. And while officials in NYC don’t face any challenges due to their foolish policies in funding the alien invasion, livelihoods are being destroyed because of it.

A NYC business owner is getting robbed nearly six times a week by migrants and there’s a big possibility he may have to shut down for good.

According to Fox News:

“It’s not fair that these people can come into my store and steal willy-nilly and nothing gets done about it,” Chris Sciacco, the owner of Kaiya’s Pallets, which sells clothing, food and other items in Queens, recently told The New York Post.

“It’s affecting the business and affecting our overhead,” he told the outlet about the $3,000-a-month loss hitting the store hard, adding, “I don’t know if we can continue to survive at this rate.”

According to the Post’s report, Sciacco says his business gets targeted by thieves as many as six times each week and, unless something changes, he will be left with no choice but to cancel his lease.

As if business owners had not suffered enough from the Panny D. It’s almost as if officials are trying to destroy any storefront left that they did not de facto bankrupt because of their arbitrary COVID policies.

On top of this, the city has already seen a significant increase in sexual assaults and rape. Unclear exactly what percentage of those crimes are committed by migrants but any crime committed by an illegal is preventable and that makes it 10 times worse.

We can only expect things to get worse as the city has already announced its focus is on the “summer surge.”

This is what happens when no human is illegal. The ones committing crimes benefit while law-abiding citizens suffer.

Can someone please tell Progressives that just because someone comes from a crappy country does not automatically make them a good person?

As of writing this, there are reports of a 3,000-person caravan heading to the border in hopes of making it in, as fears of a Trump presidency become stronger for these people. And it’s incredibly evil that officials are prioritizing the “needs” of foreign nationals over their citizens, especially considering that’s the exact opposite of being a public servant.

Unclear how many people will lose their business in the pursuit to make sure no human is illegal, but the fact that that would be preventable makes it so much more infuriating.

Exclusive Footage: Sketchy Migrants From Everywhere Invade NYC!www.youtube.com