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For Immediate Release: July 19, 2024
Contact: [email protected]

Baker: Voters Oppose Democrat Abortion Extremism

Lansing,  Mich. – In the span of 10 months, the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and Women Speak Out field team has visited 400,000 homes in Michigan to talk to voters about abortion in the 2024 election. With the help of college students on summer break, the canvassers have already surpassed their initial home visit goal and will continue to reach Michigan voters at their doorsteps from now until Election Day.

SBA Pro-Life America’s Michigan field team is on the ground in Lansing, Detroit and Grand Rapids. Their messaging focuses on exposing the extreme Democrat agenda championed by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin to mandate all-trimester abortion nationwide.

Brooke Baker, Michigan state director for SBA Pro-Life America, says Michiganders are eager to make their voices heard in the most pivotal election on abortion to date:

“In key battlegrounds like Michigan and in states across America, our team talks to voters every day who agree that we can protect babies in the womb from painful abortions while better supporting and serving women. But they go unheard by pro-abortion Democrats like Elissa Slotkin, who consistently votes for all-trimester abortion at taxpayer expense and even voted against medical care for children born alive after failed abortions. Slotkin is in lock step with the Biden-Harris administration that would force every state to have abortion at any time, for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy, at the same time they are working to strip away funding for centers that provide free diapers, medical exams, parenting classes, housing assistance and more.

“Fueled by the enthusiasm of many highly motivated pro-life young people, our canvassers are hard at work educating voters on the true contrast in this election. When Michiganders understand how extreme and out of touch the Democrats are, they are appalled and we see votes change right before our eyes.”

In the 2024 election cycle, SBA Pro-Life America and affiliates plan to raise and spend a record $92 million to protect life across America. SBA’s voter contact program will reach 10 million voters in eight battleground states: Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio. SBA’s strategy focuses on reaching low turnout and persuadable voters to defeat Biden-Harris and win a majority in Congress.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is a network of more than one million pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.

Women Speak Out PAC is a partner of SBA Pro-Life America, a super PAC amplifying the voices of women opposed to abortion extremists. Since 2014, Women Speak Out PAC has built the largest pro-life on-the-ground political campaign in the country. 


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