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The RNC concluded. The presidential campaign is officially official now. Donald Trump is the Republican nominee and running against… k, so maybe nothing is official. Joe Biden may or may not be dropping out by Monday. The candidate may or may not be Kamala Harris, depending on whether Democrats have an open convention, so party leaders may or may not pick someone less terrible. It all depends on what rumor you’ve read last. Whoever they manage to put forward, they have their work cut out for them to replicate the party vibes from the Trump convention.

Don’t take my word for it. Left-wing CNN analyst Van Jones, one of the few on CNN willing to show intellectual honesty, said the vibes were so immaculate, they were reminiscent of Obama’s 2008 convention.

Of course, he changed his tune after Trump’s speech to be more in line with everyone else on cable news. Do I think Trump should have finished strong after he said, “I need to finish strong,” and not ramble on for twenty minutes with his usual stump speech? Sure. Does it change anything or take away from the incredible four-day event? Absolutely not. The message was clear.

Democrats are going into a convention with two-thirds of them not liking their candidate. The most likely person to replace him would be his sidekick, who is less popular than he is. If not Kamala, the party of “saving Democracy” will ignore the will of the voters in favor of the will of the elites and superdelegates.

The message? Biden can’t run on the border. He’ll try to run on the economy because Democrats think if they quote the media enough, the voters will ignore their own eyes, receipts, and dwindling bank accounts.

They’ll say that Trump is a liar… according to people who are liars. Americans see through that.

They’ll say that Trump is a felon…according to people who used a partisan judge in a deep blue city to push a never-tried-before legal theory over a crime that amounts to a Quickbooks error. Americans see through that. (And I’m biting off of someone else’s tweet I can’t find right now).

They’ll say they are saving Democracy… LOL, no.

Abortion? Project 2025? “Hey, look at all these people whose student loans have been paid off by blue-collar, middle-class Americans who never took out student loans?”

Democrats figured they could hide the face Biden was a vegetable, figuring that if they lied, they could count on most of the media to swear by it (which the media did until a few weeks ago). And as a backup plan, have Trump thrown in jail.

It hasn’t worked. They have nothing left.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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