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Pro-tip. When pandering to Black voters and going the “some of my best friends are Black” route, it is helpful if you remember your Black friend’s name. Joe Biden has a hard enough time remembering where he is, how all these people got into his room, or who pooped his pants. If only Joe found out he caught COVID again before this BET interview. Some guys have no luck.

Keep in mind, while this latest Biden disaster was unfolding, elsewhere at the RNC Convention they were reminiscing about one of his biggest disasters.

Counterprogramming this moment was Biden sitting down with BET’s Ed Gordon to discuss Election 2024 and why so many Black voters are fleeing Biden for Donald Trump, a guy Democrats and media (but I repeat myself) have been claiming was raaaaaaacist for the last eight years. Biden said it’s all fake news. The part about Black voters not liking him. He agrees about the Trump part, as evidenced by his still repeating the “very fine people” hoax.

Plus, those “young Blacks” don’t pay attention to politics until Labor Day. As opposed to, like, every other American.

Seriously, saying voters don’t start being engaged until Labor Day is Political Cliches 101. It’s up there with “the election all comes down to turnout.”

Another problem is that Biden can’t hang out in the PJs as much as he wants to. This isn’t the olden days when he was free to hang out in Marcy to get the scoop. He’s the President of the United States now. You would think the President could go wherever he wanted whenever he wanted and no one could stop him. The key word there is “wanted.”

But the highlight was when Biden was bragging about all the Black people he knows. At least he got Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name 66% right. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin? He’s nothing more than the Black man to him.

Seriously. That’s what he called him when he forgot his name.

Sadly, this wasn’t the first time he couldn’t remember the Black man’s name. But at least he didn’t call him Obama. Or Lloyd Bridges. And go off on a tangent about how much he liked him as the president in those Charlie Sheen movies. President Benson may have been a senile old coot, but at least he was a war hero.

As reported on Wednesday, Biden “caught” COVID again. Emphasis on the scare quotes around the word “caught.” He’ll be back at it next week. Whether or not it’s with more unintentionally hilarious interviews or him admitting that he’s not running for president anymore is to be determined.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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