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Alpha News reporter Liz Collin received the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism 2023 Ken Dayton Award yesterday. Background on the award to Liz is posted here. The award recognized Liz’s career and her work on The Fall of Minneapolis. I attended the lunch in Liz’s that was held at the Minneapolis Club in Liz’s honor yesterday and asked her if I could post her remarks here. Steve Young, to whom Liz refers below, is the Global Executive Director of the Caux Round Table. Caux Chairman Brad Anderson, former CEO of Best Buy, presented Liz the Dayton award with a heartfelt tribute to Liz. Slightly edited, this is what Liz had to say:

I want to thank the board for this recognition today and for the nomination — and for all of you being here, as well. I am humbled by this honor. I asked Steve Young if this was really a good PR move for the group and if he really wanted to go through with it. I’m aware of how the world works by now….

If you haven’t read my book [They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd] (AND IT’S OK IF YOU HAVEN’T) –I tell the story of when I was just 10 years old and I started a newspaper with some friends in my neighborhood of Worthington, Minnesota – a little newspaper that caught on — so much so the real media was interested in this summer project and a guy by the name of [former WCCO news anchor] Don Shelby interviewed me back then and asked what I wanted to do when I got older – and I told him I wanted his job.

I anchored my very first newscast at WCCO alongside Don Shelby in 2008 after landing what I considered “the dream job” back home at the station — rising to the highest-rated weekend anchor in the Twin Cities, awarded with numerous Emmy awards and all those things that you think really matter — to then —- in a matter of days -— being permanently demoted, silenced, and canceled.

But my passion for truth never went away — and I had a front row seat to it all. I knew there was so much more to what took place on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis — lies that were told and dangerous and divisive narratives pushed onto the public that we are all still paying for to this day…

So in a sense I started over —- I left the nightly news for this thing called “the Internet” — I’m grateful to the fearless team at Alpha News willing to tackle these subjects and to take me on — me and all my baggage (by that I mean my husband Bob [Kroll, former Minneapolis police officer and head of the Minneapolis Police Federation], of course).

I never felt like I left the profession, but that the journalism profession left me in a sense…it seems the local news seems is so often laser-focused on putting criminals on pedestals instead of just telling the truth….

At Alpha News and with our partnership with CrimeWatchMpls on X — it’s fair to say we do things a little differently — and hundreds of thousands of people see our content every day. In fact, many more than some of the biggest newsrooms in town…which is incredible because we’re a team of just a few people….

Alpha News allowed me to produce The Fall of Minneapolis with approximately zero experience in documentaries —- one that some eight months later has recorded nearly 10 million views — and that people all around the world have watched.

Thank you to those of you have shared the link or posted on social media through censorship or pushback — talk about an organic process!

It’s been a reminder that truth still matters — and that God has got this.

The saying that “Integrity is choosing courage over comfort” is one that I repeat often. I feel, especially in this state, there is a battle against right and wrong and good versus evil. The saying that “the only good thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing at all” is also one I recite often….

In a matter of 13 months… hat evil has now taken the lives of five first responders in Minnesota:

– Pope County Deputy Josh Owen.

– Burnsville police officers Paul Elmstrand and Mathew Ruge along with Burnsville fire medic Adam Finseth.

– And Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell, who was just murdered on May 30….

Five men whose lives mattered — husbands, fathers, brothers, sons—and heroes who signed up to serve and protect—and did so—honorably.

I remain dedicated to telling the truth about a noble profession.

So I ask you also today not to keep quiet…and to have courage…there is still power in truth and I hope you’ll join me in doing what we all can to turn the tide on a dark chapter…