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It’s not uncommon for liberals to go bat sh*t crazy when they don’t get their way, as unhinged, temper tantrums are the norm among leftists. It’s also not out of the ordinary for elected officials to do bizarre things when defeated but in New York City, never underestimate a council member’s ability to go feral on a moment’s notice.

Councilwoman Susan Zhuang bit a NYPD officer during a protest in Brooklyn and even NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell is flabbergasted by the situation.

I understand why these people were protesting in the first place, as a homeless shelter is being built in the neighborhood and residents are not happy about it. On top of that, it likely wouldn’t be built if the city had not made housing undocumented migrants a human right, especially considering that right does not seem to exist for Americans. On top of that, the construction supposedly began at 5 a.m., which cannot possibly be allowed.

According to her tweets, she is also against squatters and the government de facto allowing this to happen in something reminiscent of eminent domain, which is also understood.

But why did she have to go and bite the officer? And she biiiiiiiiiiiiiiit him, that’s not just a small bite, she broke the skin.

According to ABC:

Tensions have been simmering in Gravesend for months, after the City of New York announced plans to build a homeless shelter for 150 men on 86th Street. Opponents say it’s too close to schools, day care centers and senior centers.

Residents say they’re worried about crime and unstable people.

According to the New York Post, “between Jan. 1 and March 31, cops made 836 arrests at shelters citywide.” So again, it’s completely valid to not want these crack buildings in your neighborhood. However, she claims she was protecting an elderly woman from officers, which makes no sense but I digress.

How can we be certain that this is actually a homeless shelter and not a migrant shelter?

I will never condone violence, as neither would she……

LOL. Those comments didn’t age well. And the chief said it was a “vicious bite.” You can’t make this stuff up and even he said he “can’t explain it.” That’s because the entire thing is incomprehensible.

This is the statement her communications officer gave, according to POLITICO:

Zhuang’s communications director, Felix Tager, confirmed she was arrested and being held at the precinct as of 9:50 a.m. Tager said “Zhuang was arrested after trying to protect an 80-year-old woman” who was being pushed up against the barricades.

Chell disagreed, saying the woman had laid herself under the barricade.

“When we asked her to leave, she said she wasn’t feeling well. So what we did as an agency, we called an ambulance for her,” he added. “It was at that time, the barricades started getting pushed.”

So an elderly woman basically collapsed under the barricade which was getting pushed against the frail woman, and Zhuang was allegedly trying to protect her by instinctually biting the officer.

Even if what she is saying is true, I still cannot comprehend how your impulse reaction is to bite the officer, as I might even be somewhat understanding if all she did was push the guy. I am not ruling out her self-defense defense just yet, as the situation is truly baffling. But she did break the skin and that is extremely unsettling.

NYPD is still investigating this matter and hopefully, updates will be forthcoming.

Exclusive Footage: Sketchy Migrants From Everywhere Invade NYC!www.youtube.com