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Besides the whole dementia thing, one of the biggest differences between Trump and Sleepy Joe is that Biden has to lie about his record if he wants to make himself look less pathetic, while Trump just has to speak on his achievements. Even though politicians lying is nothing new and Biden is no stranger to that, Trump does not have to because he had one of the best presidencies in modern history. Nonetheless, in Biden’s pitiful attempt to give a speech at the NAACP convention, all we got was more of the same, which were lies, ad hominem attacks, projection, and him forgetting where he was on stage.

Not only did Crooked Joe spend the night making things up, he did so by attempting to bash Trump just days after his call for unity.

According to Fox News:

“Just because we should lower the temperature, doesn’t mean we should stop telling the truth,” Biden said.

He then talked about “why Donald Trump’s presidency was hell for Black America,” mentioning tax cuts for the wealthy and exploding federal debt.

“What in the hell is the matter with this man? I’m serious. Go figure,” Biden said of Trump after ticking through some policy points.

According to Sleepy Joe, if you don’t vote some type of way you lose your Black card. Oh, and he also knows what a “Black job” is.

Biden mocked Trump’s focus on growing “Black jobs.” He claimed Trump is “lying like hell” about Black unemployment records.

He then brought up Trump’s “black jobs” line: “Folks I know what a black job is. It’s the vice president of the United States.”

LOL. First time I have heard the term “Black job” but if we actually break down the policies, or lack thereof for Sleepy Joe, Trump is Blacker than Obama and Kamala COMBINED.

Question: What has Biden done for the Black community that was the least bit beneficial? Because if you watch Joe’s pathetic attempt at a speech in its entirety, I don’t think he named even one.

But since we don’t have all day, let me just name three of Trump’s achievements when it comes to “Black jobs:” Opportunity zones, historically low poverty rates, and creating jobs for all Americans, including Black Americans.

And for the record, Biden is literally the Whitest guy in the history of White guys. He’s also one of the most racist presidents in modern history.

Crooked Joe’s administration not only contributed to the “Summer of Love” with the promotion of the myth that George Floyd protests were “mostly peaceful,” but has prioritized one skin color over the other, including the second most powerful position in the world, for reasons that will never be clear.

“It’s because of you that I’m president and Kamala Harris is vice president. By the way, she’s not only a great vice president. She can be President of the United States,” Biden said.

There is only one party in American history who has been concerned with insignificant things like skin color. Taking it back to the Civil War, and not even 100 years ago to the Dems holding the longest filibuster in history to stop the passing of the Civil Rights Act, the Dems have been the ones keeping racism on life support.

That being said, no leftist speech would be complete without blatant psychological projection, as Crooked Joe warns Trump might jail his political opponents while trying to jail his political opponents.

Leftists always accuse others of things they are guilty of, it’s a tale as old as time. However, what is unique to this instance is that the most powerful man in the world does not even know what day it is, which makes it significantly more pathetic.

It must be nice waking up every day and finding out you are the POTUS.

How much is DEI to blame for the Trump Assassination Attempt?www.youtube.com