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In “Our Brezhnev, Our Pravda, Our Soviet Union,” Victor Davis Hanson compared the demented Joe Biden to decrepit Soviet dictator Leonid Brezhnev, and the establishment media to Pravda, the Soviets’ worshipful mouthpiece. To drag in “our Soviet Union” might seem a stretch but there’s more to it than people might think.

Donald Trump was not from the American political class, so he represented a provisional government that might be compared to the early days of the USSR. Trump was  opposed from day one by the Democrat-deep state axis, which deployed the Russia hoax, impeachment attempts, and so forth. The 2020 election can be compared to the Bolshevik takeover in Russia. Of course, people are still free to believe that a demented plagiarist and serial prevaricator who never campaigned, who told blacks they weren’t black and said the Chinese Communists were “not bad folks,” was what the nation was panting for. Discuss among yourselves, but consider subsequent developments.

For all but the willfully blind, Joe Biden is a waxworks effigy of a president, the mumbling marionette of a woke-leftist-globalist junta, in effect, the American politburo. As in the USSR, the junta deploys the organs of the state the FBI, CIA and DOJ against the domestic opposition, portrayed as terrorists and violent extremists. Under the junta we’ve seen imprisonment without trial, pre-dawn raids, and show-trials, all signs of Stalinist rule, but there’s more to it.

Biden’s pick for comptroller of the currency in the Treasury Department was Soviet apologist Saule Omarova, who came up as a Komsomol and earned a Lenin scholarship. Omarova’s scheme to put the Federal Reserve in control of Americans’ savings was basically a replication of Soviet banking. Sen. Tim Scott told Omarova that she was the worst possible choicefor the job. Omarova withdrew, but the politburo grows more militant.

In his September 1, 2022 speech, Joe Biden said the greatest threat to America comes from those who want the nation to be great. So far we haven’t seen anything like Stalin’s genocidal campaign against the kulaks, peasants who opposed the collectivization of agriculture. We still have the Second Amendment, independent courts, and advocates in Congress, but massive state violence against the people can’t be ruled out.

“Desire to wage war on ordinary Americans—to disadvantage them and even to kill them—had long been bubbling in the ruling class’s basements,” wrote the late Angelo Codevilla in 2019. With 10 million illegals in the country with no criminal background checks, and violent mobs surging nationwide, and law abiding Americans tagged as domestic terrorists, 2024 shapes up as the year of living dangerously. So as Inspector Claude Lebel (Michael Lonsdale) told Madame de Montpelier (Delphine Seyrig) in The Day of The Jackal, “be in no doubt as to the seriousness of your position.”

Meanwhile, in 1979 the Soviets brought their Angolan puppet Agostinho Neto to Moscow, where he died after surgeryand was quickly replaced by José Eduardo dos Santos. In 1982 Leonid Brezhnev, hailed as tower of strength by state media, mysteriously passed away to be replaced by Yuri Andropov, a veteran of the KGB. Based on recent events, it would be foolish to rule out similar developments in “our Soviet Union.”