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Amid growing concerns about President Biden’s mental acuity and swirling calls from within his own party to step aside, the 81-year-old cognitively challenged president tried to joke about the controversy by saying, “It’s just my brain.”

That’s according to a New York Times report on Biden’s meeting Wednesday with a group of Democratic governors — a meeting the paper said was “intended to reassure more than two dozen of his most important supporters that he is still in command of his job and capable of mounting a robust campaign against former President Donald J. Trump.”

It was at this meeting that Biden reportedly contradicted White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, saying he had a medical checkup post-debate and was fine.

Citing two people who participated in the meeting and others briefed on his comments, the Times reported that Biden told the governors “he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, including curtailing events after 8 p.m.”

More from the Times:

After Gov. Josh Green of Hawaii, a physician, asked Mr. Biden questions about the status of his health, Mr. Biden replied that his health was fine. “It’s just my brain,” he added, according to three people familiar with what took place — a remark that some in the room took as a joke but at least one governor did not and was puzzled by.

Jen O’Malley Dillon, Mr. Biden’s campaign chair, who attended the meeting, said in a statement that he had said, “All kidding aside,” a recollection confirmed by another person briefed on the meeting. Ms. O’Malley Dillon added: “He was clearly making a joke.”

As for Biden’s brain, for whatever reason, it saw fit to respond to a gaffe-filled Independence Day introduction by Vice President Kamala Harris with a hearty, “Ho, ho, ho!”

The bizarre greeting, which came after Harris began introducing Biden as vice president, had folks wondering if he had confused the Fourth of July with Christmas or meant to say, “Yo, yo, yo!”

And while Biden keeps assuring Democrats that he is fine and perfectly capable of taking the fight to Trump, his cringeworthy brief remarks on Thursday were more of the same, including the slurring of words and losing his train of thought.

The geriatric Democrat exhibited short bursts of energy at the White House event, but the video doesn’t lie, as seen when he started rambling about there no longer being any congestion on roads after telling supporters at the White House, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Tom Tillison
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