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Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Independence Day, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Agblünt promised that he would never downsize so much that he would have to part with his Betamax collection of the one glorious season of “Manimal.” 


While I don’t mind working on holidays, I do hope that most of you have some quality grilling in your plans today. It’s supposed to be around 106 here in my neck of the Sonoran Desert, so I will be enjoying my classic Independence Day fare via an air fryer while wearing a new t-shirt that says, “The British Blew a Thirteen Colony Lead.” 

We won’t be covering a lot of news today, so that everyone can get out and enjoy their freedom while it’s still there.

The Democrats are still all over the place in the “Should Joe Go?” drama. Whichever opinion one holds on how it’s all going to play out, there’s a news story to back it up. That gives everyone the opportunity to change opinions on a whim and feel validated. 

We’ve now reached the anonymous source portion of the panic, and things are getting juicy. This is from something Matt wrote yesterday

“President Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week,” reports the New York Times. “The president, who the ally emphasized is still deeply in the fight for re-election, understands that his next few appearances heading into the holiday weekend must go well, particularly an interview scheduled for Friday with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News and campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.”


The White House denies this, and Matt points out that Team Biden’s credibility isn’t worth much, which is true. However, the Times article says that the source “spoke on the condition of anonymity,” which raises all sorts of red flags for me. The “condition of anonymity” has been the Times’s bread and butter for its fake news war against former President Donald Trump. I keep a ready supply of grains of salt to take with these reports. 

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt that Biden knows he’s wobbly, in more ways than one. I’m still rather skeptical that Mrs. Biden is letting him flap his gums like that to even his closest advisors. 

There was a twist late yesterday that was related to what we discussed in Wednesday’s Briefing. The coddling slow rollout of Biden’s interview with George Stephanopoulos has had the stakes raised. 


The White House’s calibrated plan to convince Americans that Joe Biden is up to another bid for the presidency just hit the hard wall of reality.

Originally scheduled to emerge in dribs and drabs through the week and weekend, Biden’s sit-down with George Stephanopoulos will now air in its entirety in an ABC primetime special on Friday. First announced Tuesday as panic over the 81-year-old incumbent’s stumble-filled June 27 debate with Donald Trump continued, the interview between the former Bill Clinton aide and This Week host and Biden will be conducted in “Wisconsin on the campaign trail earlier on Friday,” ABC News said this evening.


Stephanopoulos will, of course, do everything he can to babysit Biden, but there won’t be much time for any production trickery now. 

This is a bold play by Biden’s handlers, but they know they need one. They will no doubt receive the questions well ahead of time, but Biden won’t have a teleprompter to use as a crutch for his brain. 

Like I said, juicy.

Now let’s get out there and enjoy some good old American liberty whilst its still available. Now more than ever, we know how precious and fragile it is. 

God Bless America and, again, Happy Independence Day to all of you!

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Everything Isn’t Awful

SFK of the Day

Responding to His Own Bad News, Nate Silver Writes NY Times Op-Ed Offering Dems Advice

“The Times still drives the false narratives for the Democrats. It’s nigh on impossible to tell where the Democratic National Committee ends and The New York Times begins. The Times has done more to create and perpetuate the Biden myth since 2020 than any other news organization, because that’s the mission there. Times editors were so committed that, a mere six days before the debate, they tasked three writers with publishing a piece titled, ‘How Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden as He Battles Age Doubts.'”


Shot of Vodka

Oh, You Naughty First Amendment

“What we need right now is the late, great George Carlin to remind everyone that ‘Political correctness is America’s newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance.’

‘It presents itself as fairness, yet attempts to restrict and control people’s language with strict codes and rigid rules,” Carlin continued. “I’m not sure that’s the way to fight discrimination.'”

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Around the Interwebz

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Bee Me

The Kruiser Kabana

Kabana Gallery

Kabana Comedy/Tunes

Another one I’ve never seen that made me LOL.