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Before the Panny D, people were not wearing masks just because they were patients in a hospital. That’s because they are useless, according to several oncology nurses who shut down one woman’s world.

A TikTok is making its rounds on social media after a woman recorded herself crying (of course) because medical professionals said the obvious part out loud, her mask is not doing much of anything.

This video is a little sad, overall pathetic, and incredibly naive. Nonetheless, it’s hard not to feel bad for her while it’s also hard to feel bad for her.

Firstly, we can almost guarantee she would have been what some people call a “good German.” Secondly, common sense isn’t common with this one. And thirdly, in the year of our lord 2024, when even the craziest among craziest of COVID crazies have stopped masking, you still have this woman, with a mask, thinking it will literally save her from an invisible virus.

Even Fauci admitted that masks made no difference during the Panny D.

The government literally woke up one day and pretended they could control a virus and people like her actually bought it. She bought it so hard she is still buying it. That’s insane.

Obviously, masks are incredibly useless, which is why public health officials never recommended them for the flu. And in fact, they are disgusting and spread germs. They create a warm, humid environment in which germs thrive, which actually attracts the very things these people want to avoid. But even if it didn’t attract them, it would still be useless considering there is no way that thing can block something so microscopically small as a virus.

Masks are disgusting and no one who uses them for recreational use even tries to wear them properly, as they are always touching them and putting on the same DIRTY mask.

She may have thought she was saving lives and “doing her part,” but she was, in fact, not doing any of that.

But all this is obvious, especially in 2024. And this woman cannot even process the fact that nurses are telling her this. She is so distraught she is having a major meltdown (and recording it for the world to see). The video is so telling, as she cannot even comprehend how someone would say such a thing.

But she does realize most people don’t mask anymore, right? Not that they ever should have but that’s neither here nor there.

Fauci already admitted that all the rules during the Panny D were arbitrary. Even the “expert” admitted someone just made things up out of thin air but she is still on the COVID bandwagon.

Obviously, she is the type of person to change her FaceBook status to, “Remember guys, COVID is still very real.” But it’s unclear how many people actually condone her delusion. However, it might be a lot because leftists love to “affirm” lies.

The truth hurts. And I guess no one realized that more than her, who is still wearing a mask, in 2024. It’s rather shocking how effective some of the propaganda was for some people, and although it’s hard not to feel bad for them, it’s also rather pathetic.

This woman may or may not have opened Pandora’s box since recording that video.

Crowder Asks: “Why Are You Still Wearing A Mask?” | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com