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As RedState reported earlier, President Joe Biden joined in on an urgent campaign call Wednesday to reassure panicked staff members that he was not going anywhere, would not be pushed out, and would win in November.


“Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out,” Biden reportedly declared. “I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”

“I’ve been knocked down before and counted out my whole life,” he also said on a call that included Vice President Kamala Harris, who as his second command would, in theory, be his heir apparent for the nomination.

READ MORE: Joe Biden Gives Definitive Answer About His Future, and Democrats Are Going to Need a Stiff Drink

While it was a defiant statement to make considering the donor meltdowns and replacement rumors that have dominated the news cycle in the aftermath of his disastrous debate performance, according to at least one person on the call, it sounded “scripted”:

Just incredible this would happen considering the events of the last few days and how one of the complaints about Biden is how he can only sound semi-coherent when he has his notes or a teleprompter in front of him, with his handlers nearby to swoop in for the rescue if necessary.


Another claim made about what happened on the call came from Steven Cheung, who is Donald Trump’s campaign spokesman. 

Now one would think he wouldn’t be allowed on the call. But as confirmed by the Associated Press, he has a recent history of it, being on one such call Monday in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling.

“I used my official campaign email and name to sign up for this conference call, and the Biden communications and press operation basically let [me] in,” he tweeted at the time.

Apparently, he was able to get in on the Wednesday call as well, and here’s what he alleged went down at one point:

I should note that this is unconfirmed, but some members of the media were either on that call or have sources who were and have reported on it. Yet as of this writing, there has been no pushback from them on Cheung’s claim.


Whatever the case may be, the fact that a call made to calm everyone down over questions about Biden’s inability to be coherent reportedly had to be scripted just pretty much tells us where we are now with this: right where we started, with a lost and out of it president, and campaign and White House staffs who have apparently been tasked with rearranging the deck chairs on the SS Biden.

Related–>> Gotta Love It: Trump Takes Unusual Approach to Dem Implosion Over Biden, and It’s Driving the MSM Nuts