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The signs just keep getting worse for the Biden campaign in the wake of his debate disaster last Thursday. In the latest New York Times/Siena College poll released Wednesday, former President Donald Trump’s lead has grown against Biden:


Mr. Trump now leads Mr. Biden 49 percent to 43 percent among likely voters nationally, a three-point swing toward the Republican from just a week earlier, before the debate. It is the largest lead Mr. Trump has recorded in a Times/Siena poll since 2015. Mr. Trump leads by even more among registered voters, 49 percent to 41 percent.

We’ve already shared the results from some polls taken after the debate, as my colleague Ward Clark broke down in an analysis of the polls in the Real Clear Politics average, among others, from last Friday through Sunday:

Read More:

Post-Debate Polling Should Have Biden Campaign Sweating Bullets

There were also some tough tidings for the campaign from leaked internal polls:

Read More:

Brutal Leaked Internal Polling for Biden Shows Just How Badly the Debate Damaged Him

But this latest glimpse from NYT-Siena further indicates that the spin the somewhat united Democrat front has been pitching at Americans isn’t swaying potential voters, as “concerns that Mr. Biden is too old to govern effectively rose to new heights among Democrats and independent voters”: (emphasis mine)

Doubts about Mr. Biden’s age and acuity are widespread and growing. A majority of every demographic, geographic and ideological group in the poll — including Black voters and those who said they will still be voting for him — believe Mr. Biden, 81, is too old to be effective.

Overall, 74 percent of voters view him as too old for the job, up five percentage points since the debate. Concerns about Mr. Biden’s age have spiked eight percentage points among Democrats in the week since the debate, to 59 percent. The share of independent voters who said they felt that way rose to 79 percent, nearly matching the Republican view of the president.


There were some scattered positive notes for Biden–although one of them is more of a mixed blessing for his campaign’s future:

One was that he narrowed Mr. Trump’s edge among independent voters, even if that gain was more than offset by his erosion among Democrats and Mr. Trump’s improvement among Republicans. Another was that the share of Democratic voters who think Mr. Biden should no longer be the nominee ticked up, but by far less than the rising Democratic concern about his age.

Here’s the mixed blessings part:

Overall, more voters thought Mr. Biden should remain the Democratic nominee — but only because more Republicans, perhaps emboldened after the debate, said they now want him as their opponent.

You can find the full results here. And as usual, we’ll keep you posted on developments.