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Eugene Robinson MSNBC Morning Joe 7-2-24 A year ago at this time, Eugene Robinson embarrassed himself. Pushing back at suggestions that Biden was badly showing his age, we caught the Washington Post columnist and MSNBC analyst claiming that Biden is not merely sharp, but “sharp as a tack.”

But the truth has finally caught up with Robinson. Biden’s disastrous debate performance left him and other members of the liberal media with no place to hide. And so, on today’s Morning Joe, Robinson sang a very different tune:

“I have been coming on this show for a long time. I am a long-time critic of Democratic bedwetting. I think it’s crazy a lot of the time. I think this is different … I think a lot of Democrats were shocked by what they saw Thursday night. I think this is potentially a really big problem for the Democratic party, for Biden’s re-election campaign. And I think Democrats are right to send up the alarm.

Question for Robinson: Were you shocked by what you saw? You owe it to your readers and viewers to address having vouched for Biden being “sharp as a tack.” The mea culpa window is now open.

Robinson wondered: “Why isn’t [Biden] doing some sort of unscripted appearance that shows — that erases the impression that was very clearly left Thursday night?”

The answer is obvious: because Biden is probably incapable of doing that. Far from erasing the catastrophic impression, there’s a strong possibility he would reinforce it. And that would likely put the final, um, tack in Biden’s political career.

Bonus Coverage: Dem Hack Actually Suggests This The Week Trump Might Have LOST The Election

Speaking of Democrat hacks, there are still some Biden bitter-enders out there. Over on CNN This Morning, Karen Finney, spokesperson for Hillary’s 2016 campaign, said that, contrary to what host Kasie Hunt said at the top of segment, this may not be the week that Trump won the election, but to the contrary, “the week Trump lost the election.” She claimed that Dems are “galvanized” by fear of a Trump presidency.

Finney’s wishcasting was too much for Hunt, who interjected: “that seems like a stretch.”  Video here.

Here’s the transcript of the Morning Joe segment.

Morning Joe
6:26 am EDT

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Gene, we’ll start with you, andy our new piece entitled “Biden’s 2024 survival requires a lot more than hope.” 

What does he need to do, and do you think he knows that?

EUGENE ROBINSON: Well, look, I think he needs to do everything he can to reverse the impression, the clear impression, that was left by that debate five days ago, that debate on Thursday. 

Because, you know, I have, I’ve been coming on this show for a long time. I am a long-time critic of Democratic bedwetting. I don’t — you know, I think it’s crazy a lot of the time. I think this is different.

I think a lot of Democrats were shocked by what they saw Thursday night. And I think the sort of hunkering down and saying, you know, nothing to see here, you know, the polling is unchanged. 

They sent out that memo over the weekend, saying polling is unchanged, so it didn’t really hurt us. But that’s internal polling focusing on the swing states, that actually shows him trailing Donald Trump by a slight margin. You know, within the margin of error. But nonetheless, it shows him behind Trump in these states. And so, sending out a memo saying, look, we’re still behind, but we’re not behind any worse, is not exactly the best ad for your campaign.

And so why, why isn’t he calling Schumer and Jeffries? And why isn’t he doing some sort of unscripted appearance that shows — that erases the impression that was very clearly left Thursday night? 

I think this is, this is potentially a really big problem for the Democratic party, for Biden’s re-election campaign. And I think, you know, I think Democrats are right to send up the alarm.