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Politicians lie.

It’s a tale as old as time, and one that hasn’t changed. Trump does it. Biden does it. Pretty much every politician does it.

Is it right? No. But it’s reality. And the only way to address it is with more speech. Something the Left and the media — but we repeat ourselves — doesn’t like. Which is why ‘misinformation’ and social media censorship are part of the platform.


Enter Elon Musk and Community Notes. 

They’ll never learn. Lying is their bread and butter. But it’s so nice to be able to counter the lies.

That being said, a good-faith argument can be made that Community Notes are superfluous — that replies and quote do the same thing. It’s nice to have an official record tied to the original post, whereas replies and quotes can be deleted, the accounts suspended, or more.

Yes, sometimes Community Notes are abused or 

So it’s good for Elon to remind politicians that we’re watching.

Really glorious.

It has to make them so mad.

Slowly but surely.



Harris isn’t the only one, though.

This is also true.

They’ve dug a hole so deep there’s no way to get out of it.


This is the Left in a nutshell: they’re LIVID they don’t have a stranglehold on one platform. And because they don’t it’s an ‘in-kind contribution to Trump’.

Says everything we need ot know.



They went INSANE.

A step in the right direction.

And that’s all we need — a start.