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One of the things I love most about the 4th of July is how much the fire engine red-haired dime-museum Stalinites shrink from the celebration like a certain former Vampiric House Speaker dodges sunlight. The 4th of July makes Castroites more uncomfortable than Ashley Biden showering before her 10th birthday party.


That’s all the reason I need to turn up Bocephus, fly my Trump flags (seven and counting), and cheer as fireworks celebrate the birth of the greatest nation in history.

FACT-O-RAMA! I have come to enjoy Country music way more since realizing it is audio torture to whiny, soap-dodging leftoids.

Croc-stomping anti-Americans will likely spend the day on Facebook repeating the Pravda press’s ragged notion that the Supreme Court vote on Trump’s immunity means he can now send a drone to Joy Reid’s spider hole and blast her into commie confetti. They are likewise calling for Joe Biden to launch a pre-emptive strike first, preferably between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when President Finger-Diddle is aware enough to answer nature’s call in a restroom and not at a meeting with the Pope.

RelatedTrump Leads Patriots to Our Greatest 24 Hours of the Year (Thus Far)!

There is so much good news happening that I believe this may be the best Independence Day in decades. And remember, that which makes a true American smile sends pinkos into a so-angry-they-spit-when-they-talk rage.

Hoist your beer high on the 4th; here are some of this Independence Day’s greatest victories to which we shall drink:

  • SCOTUS’s immunity decision is tremendous news for Trump and has caused the left to soil their non-binary undergarments.


  • Trump is clown-slapping Biden in nationwide polls so badly that Virginia is now considered a “swing state.”
  • Betting sites give Trump a 58% chance of winning in November and Biden a paltry 32%.
  • Pinko prosecutors Fani Willis and Jack Smith are likely to get booted from their respective Trump prosecutions persecutions.
  • Trump’s sentencing for the bogus so-called “hush money” case is likely postponed and may even get tossed.

As we BBQ hotdogs, burgers, chicken, and steaks — all of which make prairie fairy vegans weep inconsolably — the left will spend the nation’s birthday whining that We the People enjoy too much liberty:

Most important to remember on the 4th is this: people are waking up to the lying liars in the Operation Mockingbird disinformation-industrial complex.


The Communist News Network (CNN) is now rated lower than gonorrhea, recently hitting a 33-year rock bottom.

The insanity of the left is becoming strikingly clear to everyone paying attention — like how it’s OK to urinate on a man at an outdoor San Francisco “pride” rally but eating a sandwich in California will get you arrested.

And just for more laughs, check out the video below.

As Biden is hemorrhaging black male votes to Trump, the left decided to take Kamala Harris, who imprisoned thousands of black men for selling jazz salad, and try to make her ghettoriffic. Please finish chewing before you watch Kamala gloriously beclown herself before the black community:

Happy Independence Day to those who celebrate and to the pale, frail, meatless communists who will spend the holiday putting hula poppers through their overly-pierced noses in a vain attempt to “shock” real Americans who value freedom.


If this article made you giggle, consider joining the PJ Media VIP army. For less than the price of one 9 MM round per day (Democrats won’t get that reference), you can keep the First Amendment alive and keep news — real news that reflects your values — coming in the fight against tyranny. And what better time of year to do that than Independence Day?

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