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CNN going straight-up racist during the Thursday night presidential debate was predictable and annoying all in one. Why single black Americans out when we’re all suffering under Biden? It seemed unnecessary and was honestly the dumbest question of the night from an otherwise decently moderated debate on their part.


Not everything has to be about race, CNN.


And while Biden slurred and babbled his answer (we think), the Left ‘POUNCED’ on Trump saying ‘the blacks’ when talking about illegals taking their jobs. He’s super racist and stuff for using that phrase, you guys. Oh sure, Biden openly tried to keep black children out of his kids’ school and called young black men super-predators BUT Trump is the racist.

Don’t make that face, we didn’t say it. 

This Denise person did.


Sorry, but wow, that’s just dumb and so LEFTIST WOMAN of her. Seriously, we should shut down all leftist women for a couple of weeks, just so we can figure out what’s going on.

Zeek Arkham took her apart:



His post continues:

… sitting Governor of New York who doesn’t think I know what a computer is. Or White Leftists, such as yourself, who think I need lessons on what racism is. I mean, if we ARE going to have a conversation about implied racism, “hang over him like a noose” could easily be seen as implied racism, right? Oh, wait… it’s different when you do it.

In other words, Denise … SIT DOWN.

Take all the seats.

Because Democrats think black people are less than and must be protected from evil Republicans who don’t care what color they are. See, if you’re not constantly worried about skin color and treating people as less than because of it then clearly you’re a racist.

Hey man, we don’t pretend to understand Democrats, we’re just repeating their rhetoric.




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