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Former President Donald Trump appears to have gotten a substantial boost in a crucial battleground state following his resounding victory over President Joe Biden in Thursday’s debate.

An EPIC-MRA poll, published on Saturday, two days after the debate, found 49 percent of respondents support Trump while 45 percent remained with Biden, Newsweek reported.

“The poll found that both Trump and Biden lost ground when third-party candidates were included. Trump would then get 41 percent of the vote, Biden would get 38 percent, while independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would get 10 percent. Green Party candidate Jill Stein and another independent candidate, Cornel West, would each get 2 percent,” the outlet added.

“The poll surveyed 600 Michigan voters between June 21 and 26, and so does not reflect any impact from Thursday’s presidential debate between Biden and Trump, and has a margin of error of 4 percentage points,” it said.

Trump has been leading Biden in most of the swing states for months.

A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll of registered voters, conducted from May 7th to 13th, found that Trump holds a four-point lead over Biden across all swing states. The former president leads by five points in Arizona, seven points in North Carolina, three points in Georgia, two points in Pennsylvania, and one point in Wisconsin.

Trump and Biden were tied in Nevada, while Biden held a narrow one-point lead over Trump in Michigan. Since then, Trump has gone up in Nevada by nearly 3 points, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls.

The survey also revealed a relatively pessimistic outlook on the economy, with 55 percent of respondents stating that the economy in their state is headed in the wrong direction, compared to 45 percent who believe it is moving in the right direction.

The poll findings come as Trump and the Republican National Committee outpaced Biden and the Democratic National Committee in fundraising in April. That marked a reversal of the trend seen in March, when Biden and the Democrats outraised Trump and the Republicans.

The former president’s campaign announced that it raised a staggering $50.5 million during a single April event, CNN reported. The total is close to double the record set by Biden’s campaign the previous week in New York when he raised $26 million at an event that featured former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

The “Inaugural Leadership Dinner” was held at the Palm Beach, Florida, home of billionaire investor John Paulson.

“Tonight will be an incredible night for President Trump and the Republican Party, raising an astounding $50.5 million,” Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, Trump campaign senior advisors. “Meanwhile, after locking up the nomination in one of the fastest primaries in modern political history, Donald J. Trump is winning poll after poll and proving that the enthusiasm is on his side. It’s clearer than ever that we have the message, the operation, and the money to propel President Trump to victory on November 5.”

“The success of tonight’s event is proving what we already know: Americans are fed up with Biden’s record of failure, from the open southern border and sky-high inflation to the migrant crime crisis that has made everyone less safe,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-Chairman Lara Trump said. “The Republican Party is united behind the effort to elect President Donald J. Trump, and Americans are lining up to join our movement and retire Crooked Joe Biden once and for all.”

The event showed that the donors, some of whom had been supporting Florida Gov. Ron De Santis and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Republican primary, are starting to get behind the former president, reports said.

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll found that voters trust Trump more than Biden to handle the economy, immigration, and crime, which are expected to be key issues in the presidential election. Additionally, a Harvard Harris poll revealed that a larger share of voters approve of Trump’s performance in office compared to Biden’s.

Voters also seem to support Trump’s key promises on immigration. A recent survey found that 61 percent of Independents believe that illegal immigrants should be deported, which is a central element of Trump’s 2024 immigration agenda.

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