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The disaster of Thursday night’s debate provided Americans with two giant revelations. 

First, Joe Biden is mentally and physically failing and cannot remain president. 


Second, and of greater long-term import, the media has been stripped bare as our most corrupt institution — and that is saying something.

The debate showed everyone what happens when the Democratic communications machine, formerly known as the media, is bypassed, and candidates can be seen clearly by the American people without the filters. The media has been lying — expect this word to come up a lot — to the American people on behalf of Biden and Democrats for years. But the very second they are unable to control the content and the narrative, the truth comes busting out for everyone to see. It was glorious and horrific.

President Trump could not have been more right when he said in April 2019 that the media is “truly the enemy of the people.” The Hill (media) said Trump was “ratcheting up his use of the derisive label to attack the news media.” There’s some straight reporting. It quickly evolved in the media narrative of Trump’s war on the media, the go-to phrase of the lemming journos.

No. The Hill was wrong. It has long been the media’s war on the American people who are not bi-coastal elites. Trump was so right.

It is not just people like gaslighter-in-chief Joe Scarborough on MSNBC or nonsense-peddlers like Joy Reid or shut-down artists like CNN’s Kasie Hunt. It is the entirety of the legacy corporate media establishment that lied to the American people about Joe Biden being sharp, cogent, asking penetrating questions in private meetings, running circles around his young staffers and so on.


And it is not just that they have been lying to us for years about Joe Biden and frankly about everything else political and cultural. It is that many of them who have talked with and watched Biden up close are also claiming they are shocked — shocked! — at what they saw on the debate stage. You and I and every American who has seen Biden in Normandy, at the G7, at the fundraiser with Obama, and at about every event this year were not particularly surprised. But the media was? That so many pundits seemed genuinely shocked by the debate is itself genuinely shocking.

How to explain this? There is a two-fold secondary level of revelation from Thursday: The media is far more insular in their lives and information stream than we may have realized. More than the average American, which explains any number of disconnects.

There is no doubt that many of them are lying now at being surprised. They saw him up close. They knew. But a surprising number of media members also appear genuinely shocked at Biden’s performance. The only way to explain that members of the media covering Biden could be shocked when normal Americans — or normal right-of-center Americans who do not consume only the corporate media — knew it, is that insulated journalists get caught up in their own disinformation machine.

Joe Scarborough is lying about being surprised. But others in the press corps who gasped at Biden’s gaffes may not be lying about their shock. This shows the level of an almost hermetic level of groupthink that convinces members of the group to believe their own propaganda. 


The sad reality is that we do not have a media in any traditional, modern American sense. We have leftist, statist propaganda machines that act as the communications arm of the Democratic Party when politically needed, and march in lock-step with the State on every important issue violating Americans’ rights — from the election interference of suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop to lockdowns and masks and forced vaccinations to January 6, 2021 being an insurrection to Joe Biden is super smart, to everything in between.

That is an enemy of the American people. And it was busted open Thursday night for all to see.

We knew Biden was senile. The media knew he was senile. They lied to so effectively that many believed their own propaganda. But now a lot more of the American people know they were lying.