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I’ve had this page open for about an hour and don’t know where to start. Last night was shocking even for those of us who were expecting Joe Biden to be a disaster during the debate. No sooner than last week, Democrats and the media were claiming it was “cheap fakes” when you saw a video of Biden looking like he didn’t know where he was, how all these people got in his room, or who pooped his pants. Now, all of a sudden, they think the man’s brain being 69% tapioca pudding mayhaps be a problem.

You can spend all morning enjoying Democrats and media (but I repeat myself) meltdowns with a bagel and a cup of coffee. I’ve narrowed down what I feel are the most devastating. There are three key areas of bullsh*t. The first is the media because, as I pointed out, just last week, “cheap fake” videos were being pushed by conservative media to make Joe Biden look like a caricature.

Last night, NBC News’s Chuck Todd said Joe Biden looked like that caricature. Someone with more self-awareness would have realized he just admitted it was never a “conservative caricature” of Joe Biden. This is who Biden is and has been for his entire presidency. Chuck Todd and the media have been lying to use for years.

The second group is the lies told by Democrats about how, behind the scenes, Joe Biden has never been more cognitive. As CNN’s Scott Jennings says in devastating fashion: “I’ve seen Joe Biden do cartwheels and handstands while doing trigonometry while solving all the nation’s problems. We now know that every single person who said that has been lying to the American people.”

The last group involves the people who have been propping Biden up and “Weekend at Bernies-ing” him around the country. Anderson Cooper asked if what we saw last night was Joe Biden running the country from day to day. He picked an interesting person to ask this question of.

As of this writing, Joe Biden has a full day of campaign events. As of this writing.

It is going to be a LONG weekend for Democrats. Ten bucks say Obama is headed to the airport right now because it’s time to have the long chat with Joe that Democrats have been pretending they didn’t need to have.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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