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It just cannot be emphasized enough how bad the first 2024 presidential debate was for President Joe Biden.

He walked out onto the stage looking lost and out of it, pointing at the podium questioningly before he shuffled up to it – and it went downhill for him from there, with former President Donald Trump landing a knockout punch against him early on, and continuing to do so as the night wore on.


Biden’s handlers are panicking. His media apologists were visibly stunned. And some House Democrats reportedly are already talking about possibly meeting with him to try and get him to step aside.

This is, as Trump would say, YUGE.

SEE ALSO–>> Bonus Cartoon: On the SS Biden, the Rats Are Jumping Ship

Beyond how awful and lost Biden looked throughout the night, the visual on the CNN post-debate panel alone should stick with people for a long time.  I mean when not even Biden’s most ardent apologists on the left and in the mainstream press can rustle up a cogent defense of what happened, you know it was bad.

Republican strategist Scott Jennings, a CNN political commentator, is no Biden propagandist, though, and during a segment where there were a lot of somber faces and “where do we go from here?” looks, Jennings cut straight to the point:

“I’m worried about the president. We should pray for the president. I think his advisors, I think the White House, and I think his family have a lot of explaining to do to their party and to the American people.  This night, this one night was caused by and asked for by the Biden team. They wanted this night. And this was what we got.

We have been told for weeks, weeks, by Democrats who say, ‘Oh, in private meetings, I’ve seen Joe Biden do cartwheels and handstands while doing trigonometry while solving all the nation’s problems.’ We now know that every single person who said that has been lying to the American people.”



He also raised a critically important question about what, in light of Biden’s performance, has been going on behind the scenes at the White House, specifically as it relates to who has really been in control all this time. Has it been Kamala Harris? Jennings speculated:

“Let me just take the other side of this Kamala Harris debate. It is a fair question to ask right now, ‘What is going on inside the White House every day?’ Is she currently making more decisions in the White House than we know? Who is making decisions in the White House right now? We‘re talking about this in terms of can Joe Biden win an election and serve for four years. I want to know I want to know what‘s happening on a day-to-day basis. To me, she is the big story tonight because her position in this administration, in this campaign, has become magnified by 1,000 right now.”



We’ve been writing about this since almost the beginning of Biden’s term, with some of us suggesting that it’s probably been Jill Biden considering her Edith Wilson-like dedication to her husband’s presidency, which is deeply disturbing when you consider how Wilson, as Biography.com put it, was “the First Lady who became an acting president — without being elected” during her husband Woodrow Wilson’s presidency.

Whatever the case may be, it’s a question worth asking – and exploring in the weeks ahead of the DNC and beyond that, the general election. The only other question that remains is will the mainstream media have the stones to do it? I wouldn’t have been hopeful on that front two days ago, but now – after Thursday night and all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from Biden’s defenders – I think it’s a real possibility.

Related–>> WATCH: Troubling Post-Debate Moment With Joe and Jill Biden and Another Handler Has People Talking