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Reddit users are sharing some absolutely terrifying life experiences.

It seems like once every couple of months, people hop on Reddit and break down things they’ve lived through that they don’t want to experience again.

The threads always tend to go viral. Say whatever you want about Americans, but there’s no doubt people are fascinated by chaos and carnage.

Terrifying experiences go viral on Reddit.

Well, a new thread popped up of people sharing “the absolute scariest thing” they’ve been through, and the stories are wild. Read a few of the stories below, and hit me with your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com:

  • A robber got into my house when I was about 8. Luckily, my dog noticed and bit the guys leg and wouldn’t let go, my dad heard the commotion, ran downstairs to see the robber trying to go back over the fence, with my dog still attached to their leg, my dad had to pull my dog off this guys leg bc she wouldn’t let go. Police were called but the guy was long gone (doggy is still alive to this day)
  • Got pulled out by a riptide, inhaled a load of water and blacked out sinking in the sea. Woke up on the beach to a lifeguard giving me cpr.
  • Once, my parents were arguing on the car, while me and my little brother were on the backseats. In the middle of the discussion, my father threatened to throw the car in front of a moving truck, “so we could all die together”. I can still hear my mother crying, my brother screaming and me praying
  • I had a tumor growing against my inner ear causing a drop attack where no signal from your inner ear reaches the brain. It can happen anytime when least expected where I drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes loosing all physical control of my limbs for about 10 seconds. My second attack was while driving, I slumped over went off the road coasting into a ditch. Stopped driving after that until I got the tumor removed.
  • My eldest kid was born, made a little whimper, then went ashen gray. It took them about 15 minutes to get him breathing again. The longest 15 minutes of my life. He spent three weeks in the NICU for what turned out to be undeveloped lungs and a cardiomyopathy, all of which were resolved before his first birthday. He’s now 21, completely healthy, and towers over me.
  • the scariest thing that ever happened to me was only scary when i thought about it later. recently, in a town over from us, a young man was reported as a missing person. he had just vanished from his residence 2 weeks prior to when he was reported missing. about a month later, they found his body… half a block from our house. they had found his body under a blue tarp. i walk pretty frequently in our neighborhood, and i walked past that tarp multiple times. authorities say that the body was placed there, and i don’t know what is scarier, knowing that a man’s dead body was half a block away from where i was sleeping, or that his murderer was.
  • The scariest thing that happens to me was probably getting robbed at gun point. But the most scared I’ve ever been was when one of my kids at the summer camp I worked at had a seizure while crossing the street, and hit their head on the curb while they fell. Waiting for the paramedics to show up, and totally unable to help the unconscious child that I was responsible for I felt way more helpless than I did while handing my phone and wallet over to the a**hole who pulled a gun on me.
  • I once woke up in the middle of the night and hear the sound of someone trying to break into my house. I called the police, and they arrived just in time to catch the person. I’ve never been so scared in my life.
  • The absolute scariest thing that happened to me was getting lost in a dense forest during a hiking trip. As the daylight started fading, I couldn’t find the trail back and felt a deep sense of panic. Thankfully, I eventually found my way, but that feeling of being completely disoriented and alone was terrifying.

Call me crazy, but these stories always send a chill down my spine, but I just can’t stop reading. There’s something about scary stories that people just can’t get enough of.

Fortunately, I’ve never been in a situation where I felt absolutely terrified and helpless. I’ve been in some crazy situations, but as weird as it sounds, the adrenaline rush was unlike anything you can imagine. It’s a feeling that can’t be matched. The most famous one is the Mississippi Miracle, which I’ll share someday. That day is just not today.

One I don’t mind sharing is when a gunman robbed a young woman, and then made the foolish mistake of dumping her stuff behind where I live. To be clear, I didn’t know he had a gun at this point in time, and due to that, I decided to go down there and do something about it. The adrenaline dump coming down the stairs was euphoric. Long story short, he got scared, took off and it seemed like half of D.C.’s police force responded to the scene.

Am I crazy for not being scared in these moments? Do you have a scary story to share? Let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.