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The CNN debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump on Thursday left the hosts of Pod Save America with nothing to cheer about. Instead, the hosts of the far-left podcast all agreed that it was time for Democrats to discuss the possibility of Biden’s replacement.

Shortly after the debate aired, former President Barack Obama advisers Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor, Jon Lovett, and Dan Pfeiffer dissected it. Favreau said it was “possibly the worst” debate he’s ever seen in his entire life.

“I think it was a f**king disaster. I think it was maybe the worst debate I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” Favreau said. “Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, Donald Trump is just a despicable human being, he should not be president, we have to do literally everything we possibly can to make sure that he is not president again, and that is why it was so fucking awful because Joe Biden in every single way failed at that debate.”

The hosts praised Biden’s presidency but argued he may not be the best candidate.

Vietor said the president “looked confused” and argued he “exacerbated” concerns about his age.

“Debates are a performance and what you say and how you say it both matter and so the optics to start there were very bad tonight. He had to answer concerns about his age, I think he exacerbated them. His voice sounded frail. There was an answer where he kind of stalled out halfway through,” he said.

Vietor also argued that the second debate scheduled for the fall could be canceled.

“I’m also worried that there might not be another debate because if you’re Trump, you might be thinking, why not just leave it at that?” Vietor said.

Pfeiffer warned that the bar was already so low for Biden going into the debate and that he was unable to even meet those low expectations.

“If Joe Biden had given a b-minus performance last night, we would be talking about Donald Trump. He lied, he made very little sense, he didn’t answer any questions,” Pfeiffer said.

Lovett described feeling everything from scared to sad while watching and declared there needs to be a “big open question” about whether the best way to beat Trump is with Biden or someone else.

“It would be silly not to have this conversation,” Favreau said. “The best thing Joe Biden did is to propose this debate before the convention and give us a chance now to rethink this.”


President Joe Biden is not thinking about withdrawing from the presidential race despite his terrible debate performance and a concerted lobbying campaign from the leftist media to do so, according to CNN’s Kayla Tausche.

CNN anchor John Berman on Friday morning asked: “Lot of questions for the Biden campaign. What are you hearing from the Biden team, Kayla?”

“Well, John, the Biden team as of this moment plans to pack up what few wins they had on the debate stage last night. You’ve already seen some of those packaged and posted on social media, and to move on and focus on what’s coming down the pike,” Tausche began.

“There are no plans, I’m told, for the president to drop out of the race and even further, I’m told that the president is still committed to a second debate in September, which is currently scheduled for September 10 and hosted by ABC News, much along the lines of the rules of the debate that was hosted last night,” Tausche added.

“Now, the adviser that I spoke with said that they’re not putting too much stock in the conversation last night, and that many of the staffers on the campaign and in the White House also worked on President Obama’s reelection in 2012. And they tried to draw the parallel to that first debate. That was a very low performance for President Obama, even he would call it a stinker. And they said that if you had believed the pundits in the wake of that debate, Mitt Romney would be president, would have been president after that,” she continued.

“But of course, the big difference is in the wake of that debate, no one in Obama’s own party was calling for him to resign the office of president. And that is the moment that Democrats find themselves in right now. The mood that I’m hearing from Democrats who are texting this morning is described as fatalistic behind the scenes,” she added.

Tausche concluded: “And while we’ve seen some of these public pronouncements from members of the president’s own party, there is still so much consternation about what happens next and whether the performance aspect of last night can even be fixed going forward. Because if not, that September debate is likely just to be a repeat of what we saw on stage last night, putting Democrats in the same position they’re in right now, even closer to Election Day. That being said, Biden himself did not seem to be fazed by it.”


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