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For several weeks now we’ve been hearing Democrats and the media (as always, pardon the redundancy) attempt to wave off videos showing President Biden in moments of frailty and confusion as being “cheap fakes.” 


Last night the wheels fell off that excuse and the Left can no longer pretend all is well.

Even one of Biden’s biggest media cheerleaders, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, has seen enough and expressed that after a sappy preamble about what a great president he’s been:

Here’s the full transcript via @CurtisHouck: 

“Well, I think I should start by saying, without any apologies, that I love Joe Biden and Jill, and I will gladly debate anybody anytime anyplace, anywhere, over the issue of whether Joe Biden has been the most effective president in passing bipartisan legislation, in expanding NATO, in responding to the rising threat coming from China, by flexing America’s strength around China, by having the strongest economy in the world, bar none, the strongest economy, actually, relative to the rest of the world in 50, 60, 70 years, the strongest dollar in half a century, the strongest military relative to the rest of the world. I would argue, and many others would argue, since 1945. I think his presidency has been an unqualified success. If, however, you believe, as do I, and as do so many people who watch this program, and who fear just how dark of a place a second Donald Trump term will take America, then I think it is critical that we ask the same questions about this man I love, respect, and whose — whose public service in saving this country from Donald Trump over the last three and a half years I honor and always will. I think we have to ask the same questions of him that we have asked of Donald Trump since 2016. And that is, if he were CEO and he turned in a performance like that, would any corporation in America, any Fortune 500 corporation in America keep him on as CEO?”



“If he were a CEO and turned in a performance like that…”? That’s the thing. Joe Biden could never run a company and probably wouldn’t last long as an entry level employee, hence his 50-plus-year career as a politician.

But back to the other Joe. 

It was just earlier this month that Scarborough — the same one now saying Biden should step aside — was vouching for Biden’s mental and physical fitness for office, helping the media and Dems spread the “behind closed doors he’s sharp as a tack” narrative that completely collapsed last night:

This makes for quite a shot and chaser, and over the course of not years, but a couple dozen days:

It’s almost as if all the people saying how sharp Biden is either didn’t know what they were talking about or were lying until the reality of the situation became too big and obvious to ignore.
