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Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that Thursday night’s debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was a complete disaster for the Democratic Party. It was almost painful to watch. From the moment Biden stiffly walked on stage, you knew it wasn’t going to be a good night for him, and once he spoke, you knew it was over.


Biden took a week off being president for debate prep, and his performance still became the most universally panned in the history of presidential debates. It wasn’t even close. Nothing Trump said mattered because the biggest question of the night was whether Biden would prove he was capable of handling the presidency. He clearly failed in that objective.

Keep in mind that the deck was heavily stacked in Biden’s favor. He had not only taken a week off for debate prep but the debate setting and rules were based on his demands. He didn’t want an audience, he wanted microphones muted when it wasn’t the candidate’s turn, and he wanted the debates hosted by far-left media outlets.

And, according to CNN’s Erin Burnett, he may have gotten the questions in advance.

“He goes through six days of preparation at Camp David,” Burnett observed. “And they know the rules.”

“It was more than a week,” Chris Wallace pointed out.

“Okay, so more than a week.” she continued. “They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming, and yet he couldn’t fill the time. Now, I just want to—let’s see what the White House is saying. Sources close to the White House are saying he had a cold, wasn’t feeling well. I mean, as you would expect, that came out early on in the debate, but what accounts for someone with so much experience, doing so much preparation and this outcome?”


“I think, honestly, I think the question answers itself. He wasn’t capable of doing any better than he did,” Chris Wallace admitted.

Would CNN have actually given Biden the questions in advance? You bet they would. They’ve done it before. Leaked DNC emails showed that in 2016, Donna Brazile, then a CNN talking head, leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton on two separate occasions. After she was caught, CNN was forced to fire her.

Donna Brazile came to the Democratic National Committee to steady a ship rocked by an email hacking scandal and under fire for allegedly favoring Hillary Clinton during the primary process. Now, thanks to a new email hacking scandal, the DNC’s interim chair is at the center of a controversy of her own — with Clinton’s campaign again caught in the mix.

After hacked emails published Monday by WikiLeaks appeared to reveal Brazile, during her time as a CNN commentator, giving advance notice to Clinton’s camp about a debate question, Brazile has lost a CNN contract (which had been suspended since Brazile took over the DNC in July) and found herself used as fodder for one of Donald Trump’s favorite talking points: that in this “rigged” election, the DNC has been in the bag for Clinton since the beginning.


Did Burnett admit that CNN once again helped the Democratic candidate by giving him the questions in advance, or was it a poor choice of words?

This is an important question that needs to be asked, and you can bet the mainstream media doesn’t like it. With Biden choking horribly in this debate, what will the Democrats do to save the election for them? Whatever happens, we’ll be there to cover it. You can help us by joining our VIP program. And now is literally the best time to do it—not just because we’re close to the election, but because we’re currently running a 60% off sale. That means you can become a PJ Media VIP for just $3 per month for VIP Gold and under $2 for a standard VIP.

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