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Tonight is the most important debate in the history of all the United States of the Americas. For the most important election in the history of all the United States of the Americas. Which is why you’ll be tuned in to the most important debate livestream in the history of the all the United States of the Americas. Shilling out of the way, let’s talk about Trump’s new campaign ad that sets the PERFECT message for tonight.

Everyone has their view of what Trump needs to do at the CNN debate and how the event is going to play out.

We know how things will unfold. Trump is going to need to debate Biden AND the moderators. Nothing Biden says will be pushed back on while everything Trump says will be. It wouldn’t even surprise me if the microphones that are supposed to be muted “malfunction” and Biden interrupts Trump himself. Doesn’t matter. The most important thing for Donald Trump to do is drive home one message.

No matter what Joe Biden says tonight, ask yourself…

Are you better off financially since he became president?

Are you and your family safer since he became president?

Is our country more secure since he became president?

After four years of failure under Joe Biden, it’s time to make America prosperous and strong again.

Economy. Safety. The Biden Border Crisis. These are three most important issues Americans, at least according to pollsters, are concerned about this election cycle. And according to those same Americans talking to those same pollsters, Trump has a record advantage at this point in time.

Interesting side note about the small advantage Biden has in “defending democracy” in this CNN video. Since then, WaPo released a poll that has more Americans trusting TRUMP on the issue. Think about that. In a phony issue that Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) made up just so Biden could have something to campaign on… he’s LOSING to the person the media and Democrats (but I again repeat myself) claim is literally going to destroy democracy with his own two hands literally.

My biggest piece of advice to Trump is to remember he isn’t there to create content and entertain his MAGAsexual fanbois. They’re going to vote for him regardless and tweet BASED while doing so. Trump needs to talk to the independent and apolitical voters who don’t like EITHER candidate. They may prefer Trump now, but they can swing either way before November.

Trump needs to end the evening driving home to THEM if they are better off now than they were four years ago. And then keep driving home the point over and over again. That’s the assignment. This ad is a GREAT start.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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DONALD v. THE WORLD: Trump’s 3 Keys to Debate Victory!youtu.be

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