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Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week—Jamaal Bowman the ‘Democratic Trump’ Edition

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Last week’s hiatus for this column was unplanned. I did have a candidate picked out, but realized that it wasn’t that much fun once I began writing about it. It’s too much fun writing this to plow ahead with one when the inspiration isn’t there. 


As soon as I read the headline on this week’s “winner” I knew I could stop looking for anything else. 

WaPo’s Dana Milbank wrote a post mortem about Jamaal Bowman’s primary defeat in New York titled, “Jamaal Bowman was a Democratic Trump. Now he’s gone.” 

I have been writing about Milbank’s unhinged takes for almost a decade-and-a-half now. His work is an ongoing case study in Trump Derangement Syndrome, but he long ago established himself as one of the goofiest idiots in the idiot-filled Coastal Media Bubble™. Milbank’s meltdown will be one of the most fun to watch and chronicle should former President Trump become future President Trump in November. 

Let’s dive into little Dana’s latest feelings journal entry.

The Washington Post

This is the story of two New York demagogues. Both men have a history of bigotry, bullying, law breaking, promoting bogus conspiracy theories, engaging in obscene public rants and playing the martyr.

One, embraced by the Republican Party, became president and may well become president again.

The other, kept at arm’s length by the Democratic Party, was dumped by Democratic voters in a congressional primary Tuesday night.

Donald Trump and Jamaal Bowman have little in common ideologically, but they are both old-fashioned scoundrels of a type that always has been a fixture in American politics. Their divergent fortunes say less about them than about their political parties’ relative tolerance for extremists.


I think we have enough to work with there. 

Where, oh where, would leftist MSM hacks be with out their false premises and false equivalencies? 

Most likely lobbying for a higher minimum wage in the parking lot of an establishment that recently fired them. 

Milbank’s criteria for labeling Trump as an extremist are, of course, mostly based on the lies that he and his colleagues love to repeat about the monster under their beds. Milbank has perpetuated the “bloodbath” falsehood with casual ease, for example. He is also fully committed to the absurd notion that what happened in the Bragg/Merchan Soviet show trial was legitimate, and not the harbinger of totalitarian doom for the United States of America that it actually was. 

Jamaal Bowman is a straight-up, anti-Semitic bigot, as are all of the Squad members. Milbank actually does provide a couple of examples of that. He also posits that Trump “routinely demonizes migrants and racial and religious minorities,” which is the kind of leftist media prevarication that fuels the TDS fire. It has to really be driving the lapdogs nuts that Trump is the first Republican presidential candidate who has been able to chip away at the Democrats’ stranglehold on Hispanic and Black voters. 

Speaking of the Squad, while Milbank is crowing over the supposed marginalization of the “extremist” Bowman, it’s important to note that he lost on the same night that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez breezed to victory in her primary not too many miles away. Milbank conveniently glosses over that, but does peripherally try to explain it away by noting that the Squad doesn’t have that many members while intimating that they don’t have much sway in the party. 


Who wants to tell him?

Milbank also likens the Squad to the House Freedom Caucus as examples of the extremes of each party, which involves more stretching than a six-hour yoga marathon. He fails to bring up the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which would be considered extreme by most in America, has more than double the membership of the Freedom Caucus, and represents almost half of the Democrats in the House. 

Every Squad member is also a member of the Progressive Caucus, by the way. 

Almost every assessment of elected Democrats in the mainstream media is just an excuse for savaging Republicans. Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media weren’t running away from Jamaal Bowman when he did the alarm stunt. There wasn’t much in the way of negativity leading up to his defeat last Tuesday either. 

Relevant: Denial Central: NY Times Says Biden Could Learn Lessons on Aging From Betty White

No, it wasn’t until it was official that Bowman had lost that it became safe to disparage him. He didn’t lose because the Democrats have a propensity for distancing themselves from demagogues. If that were remotely true, California Gov. Gavin Newsom wouldn’t be a party darling. 

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Bowman will be replaced for the same reason that most Dems are these days: they found someone who’s even worse for America’s future to do the job. 


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