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The White House is reportedly terrified of what the Israeli Prime Minister might say in his scheduled speech to Congress next month and the propaganda push has commenced to force it to be called off.

Democrats have been whining about the invitation to the Jewish democracy’s leader amid rising tensions over his refusal to call off the military operation against Hamas terrorists in Gaza to save President Joe Biden in Michigan, a state with a large Muslim population who may not turn out in November.

A week, after Bibi infuriated the administration with a video accusing them of withholding vital weapons needed to finish the job in Gaza, six prominent Israelis wrote an open letter that was published in the pro-Biden New York Times in which they called for Congress to rescind the invitation to Netanyahu who is scheduled to speak to a joint session on July 24.

“Giving Mr. Netanyahu the stage in Washington will all but dismiss the rage and pain of his people, as expressed in the demonstrations throughout the country. American lawmakers should not let that happen. They should ask Mr. Netanyahu to stay home,” wrote the half dozen anti-Netanyahu Israelis.

The Times letter has the regime’s fingerprints all over it. Nothing they do is above board, it’s all sneaky and underhanded and done through proxies and the media and it now provides cover for anti-Netanyahu Democrats and the White House’s winged monkeys in the media to dial up the pressure.

Fear over Netanyahu potentially criticizing Biden during the congressional address has set off a case of jitters in the White House, with a recent report quoting anonymous officials who are sweating about the inability to control the Israeli leader.

One unnamed senior official told Politico that the Israeli leader’s “video this week was not helpful at all,” adding, “And he could make it far worse up there in front of Congress.”

“No one knows what he’s going to say,” the outlet quoted another senior official, who was of course anonymous too, just like nearly all media sources are these days.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told CNN “absolutely not” when asked if she would have invited Netanyahu, and comrade Bernie Sanders told the network “It’s a terrible idea. No, I won’t go.”

Last week, the party’s ideological thought leader, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also demanded that Bibi be disinvited from speaking.

“This man should not be addressing Congress. He is a war criminal. And he certainly has no regard for US law, which is explicitly designed to prevent US weapons from facilitating human rights abuses,” wrote the mouth that never shuts on X in response to Netanyahu’s video. “His invitation should be revoked. It should’ve never been sent in the 1st place.”

“His supporters in Israel will be emboldened by his appearance in Congress to insist that the war continue, which will further distance any deal to secure the release of the hostages, including several U.S. citizens,” the NYT letter reads, not mentioning that the longer the war goes on, the less likely Michigan Muslims are to vote for Biden.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak headed up the names of the Israelis demanding that Congress rescind the invite to Netanyahu. He was joined by Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Aaron Ciechanover, author David Grossman, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities President David Harel, former Mossad Director Tamir Pardo, and Talia Sasson, who is a former director in Israel’s State Attorney’s Office.

Thousands of other influential Israelis haven’t made demands of the U.S. Congress, but as is always the case, the squeaky wheels get the most oil, especially if they’re on the side of the Democrats.

The Israeli letter follows others including the recent economists warning of an “inflation bomb” if Trump gets elected and the 51 intelligence community figures who lied that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and is just more bunk to aid Biden.

Chris Donaldson
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