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I have never been a big fan of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). Let’s be clear: I don’t hate the woman; I just find her a little bombastic and over-the-top. And I never did understand the rap video.


However, just because you may find that someone’s style, personality, or approach to politics is not simpatico with your own, there is no need to banish them to the outer darkness, kick them to the curb, or wish them into the cornfields. One of the great things about the conservative movement is that it continues to attract all manner of people who may have very little in common with one another outside of a few political points. 

Unless you count swamp-swimmers, conservatives do not get up every morning, put on their gray coveralls, and raise a fist to Big Brother in gape-mouthed, drool-faced, glassy-eyed solidarity. (For the record, we also don’t join the ranks of people who produce nothing and create nothing and who get their rocks off by donning keffiyehs and committing crimes.)

We don’t have to be of one mind to be united behind a common purpose. Whatever differences MTG and I may or may not have, when someone is right, they are right. Such was the case during an appearance by the congresswoman on Australian network ABC. The segment went south about as fast as one would expect, and MTG quickly became the Muhammed Ali to anchor Sarah Ferguson’s Sonny Liston.


See below:

Producers ostensibly invited Greene on the show to discuss the Julian Assange situation. But like a good obedient bot, Ferguson pulled out her Mainstream Media Ouija Board and summoned the specter of January 6. What is it with these people? I would have thought after the Trump trials, they would have moved on. But no, here we are at January 6. Again. The only thing left is to make the day into a breakfast cereal: New Insurrection-O’s! Now with more buffalo horns!

But I digress. 

Greene is right to assert that the Australian media is just as corrupt and complicit as our own. For that matter, she was absolutely right about every point she made during the segment, so much so that the chip in Ferguson’s head went off and told her to end the segment or go offline for unscheduled maintenance and a reboot. Ferguson told Greene that she could see they had reached the end of the questions Greene wanted to answer. Good luck gnawing your leg out of the trap, Sarah. Actually, I doubt it even dawned on Ferguson how clumsy, ham-fisted, and clueless she was.


I used to wonder if all of those anchors and “reporters” at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, and their global counterparts were troubled, even a bit by their conditioned-response journalism. Now I think they have been in the system so long that all we have left are Manchurian Reporters. 

If Greene was surprised at the attempted ambush, she should have been. One does not need to go too far back in time to remember the horrific ways the Australian government treated its people during COVID-19. In April, I wrote about the attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and the demand from the Australian government that Elon Musk remove all footage of the incident from X, not just in Australia but across the world. Musk, of course, invited Australia to go pound sand. That prompted Tasmanian Sen. Jacqui Lambie to assert that Musk should be jailed. 

Tonight is debate night. To be frank, I expect Dana Bash and Jake Tapper to be every bit as skeezy and partisan as Ferguson. And that ultimately goes to the heart of this election. It is a battle between people who want a better country and people who want America to be Australia — or China.

Thankfully, at PJ Media, we are not the MSM and not the Australian media. We understand the importance of a free press and will never regurgitate the regime’s Post-It notes. Unlike Ms. Ferguson and the Australian Broadcasting Company, we never have to reboot our brains to make sure we are complying with the approved message. 


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