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Joe Biden Comes Out Against Late Term Abortion, Sort Of

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Democrats are counting on “women’s rage” over the Dobbs decision to carry the women’s vote this November. Dana Bash, who’s moderating this debate, said this last August:


This editor is thrilled that Bash asked Biden if there should be a cutoff point for abortions. If they’re not for abortion up until birth, why haven’t they told us what cutoff is acceptable. Biden’s answer is simply, Roe. He wants Roe back. But we don’t think he understands Roe v. Wade.

That’s what he said. We don’t get it either.



It’s possible in Biden’s America.


But he wants to reinstate Roe v. Wade.

So which is it?


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Joe Biden Comes Out Against Late Term Abortion, Sort Of

We support our Publishers and Content Creators. You can view this story on their website by CLICKING HERE.

Democrats are counting on “women’s rage” over the Dobbs decision to carry the women’s vote this November. Dana Bash, who’s moderating this debate, said this last August:


This editor is thrilled that Bash asked Biden if there should be a cutoff point for abortions. If they’re not for abortion up until birth, why haven’t they told us what cutoff is acceptable. Biden’s answer is simply, Roe. He wants Roe back. But we don’t think he understands Roe v. Wade.

That’s what he said. We don’t get it either.



It’s possible in Biden’s America.


But he wants to reinstate Roe v. Wade.

So which is it?


About The Author


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