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It’s probably a good time to invest in companies that manufacture antiperspirants because it looks like national Democrats are starting to sweat. The cause of their discomfiture, of course, is the ongoing and increasingly obvious mental and physical decline of President Joe Biden, the resurgence of Donald Trump, and the state of the presidential election. 


Now there is one more indicator of this, as a Gallup survey released Thursday shows less than half of Democrat voters are happy having old Joe as their presidential nominee.

Less than 50 percent of Democrats in a new Gallup poll say they are happy that President Biden is their party’s presidential nominee, compared to 79 percent of Republicans pollwed (sic) who say they are pleased former President Trump is their nominee. 

The figures, released by Gallup as Biden and Trump meet for their first debate on Thursday night, raises more questions about whether an enthusiasm gap could hurt Biden in the matchup with his GOP rival this fall. 

The Gallup poll found that more than 50 percent of Democrats said they would prefer another candidate to be their nominee. 

That’s not good, especially with the first debate only hours away as of this writing, both parties having their national conventions only weeks away, and both campaigns shifting into high gear – and Donald Trump pulling ahead in the swing states as well as in national polls.

Here’s the onion:

Working against Biden in the Gallup poll are perceptions of his age, with Americans  far more concerned that Biden, 81, is “too old” to be president than Trump, who is 78. 

Fifty-nine percent of respondents reported they were very concerned with Biden’s age while just 18 percent reported the same of Trump. Forthy-one percent reported that they were “not concerned” that Trump was too old at all, while just 14 percent shared that view of Biden.


There’s a lot more, including the favorability of both candidates – and in almost every indicator, Trump is leading Biden – but the age issue is a major one. Why? Because it’s not really about age. It’s about capability. Joe Biden is plainly losing what capability he ever had.

See Related: Trump Shares Hilarious Mock Ad: ‘If You’re Having Trouble Sleeping, Ask Your Doctor About BIDENICA….’

Beginning of the End? New Poll Shows Trump Jumping Ahead of Biden As Debate Nears

The problem with all this for Democrats is that it will badly split their party. I can see three factions forming, perhaps very quickly.

  1. The Biden camp. This will be administration officials, loyalists, handlers, and anyone who sees an advantage for themselves in keeping doddering old Joe in the White House. Jill Biden would likely be the unofficial leader of this faction.
  2. The Harris camp. There will be a significant minority, perhaps a narrow majority, of people who have lost any faith in old Joe’s ability to continue but will salivate at the first “woman of color” VP becoming the first “woman of color” POTUS. If I had to guess I would say this would be the larger faction.
  3. The None of the Above camp. These would be the few sensible ones who realize the only chance the Democrats have to prevent the Trump sequel, “Trump 2 – This Time It’s Personal” would be to dump both old, befuddled Joe and Cackling Kamala for someone more capable and moderate, which admittedly is setting the bar really, really low. The problem is that the Democratic Party is pretty much out of time to do this. The only hope they have here is to pull some sort of coup at the convention.


If the first debate goes badly for Joe Biden, the second and third groups will gain ground. But the clock is a-ticking, and Democrats are increasingly looking at Joe Biden and, as stated above, starting to sweat.