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The first presidential debate of the 2024 cycle is underway, and so far, Biden has looked weak, stumbling through sentences, while Trump seems confident discussing policy — especially foreign policy — the unrest in Israel and the Russia-Ukraine war. 


When the discussion about foreign policy came up, Trump went on the attack:

No General got fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country — Afghanistan — where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind, we lost 13 beautiful soldiers, and 38 soldiers were obliterated. And by the way, we left people behind, too; we left American citizens behind. 

When Putin saw that, he said, you know what? I think we’re gonna go in … This was his dream. I talked to him about it. The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine — never — just like Israel would have never been invaded in a million years by Hamas. You know why? Because Iran was broke with me. I wouldn’t let anybody do business with them. They ran out of money. They were broke. They had no money for Hamas; they had no money for anything. No money for terror. That’s why you had no terror at all, during my administration. This place, the whole world, is blowing up under him.

Peace Through Strength is not just a slogan; it is an effective policy that keeps our troops out of harm’s way as they continue to defend the freedoms that we love. There was peace in the Middle East under Trump, that is indisputable. Biden can spin it any way he wants, but the fact remains. There were no new wars under Trump but under Biden, there have been not one but two big wars that took place, both of which are still ongoing.


I’ll have that war settled between Putin and Zelensky as president-elect before I take office on January 20th. People are being killed so needlessly. So stupidly. I will get it settled and I will get it settled fast.

The debate has gone well for Trump, while Biden seems to be struggling. It will be interesting to see how many people tuned in to the debate and if this conversation will move any undecided voters.