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In the left’s pursuit to make sure no human is illegal, they also pretend that all cultures are equal. And you are not allowed to say that Western Culture is superior to all other cultures because that’s xenophobic. But not all cultures are civilized and because of that, one has to be the best.

In case you haven’t heard, the United States is being invaded by aliens from other cultures who like to condone barbaric things. In one example, an undocumented migrant who claims to work for the Venezuelan TDA gang said that it’s in his culture to shoot and/or kill police officers.

First things first, I must point out the irony of an “undocumented” person driving an “undocumented” scooter.

Question for the libs: Is his claim simply a “cultural difference”? Or can we all agree that this mentality is reprehensible and has no place in the US?

Why do progressives think that just because someone comes from a crappy country that makes migrants somehow worthy of citizenship?

New York City is currently suffering from a migrant scooter gang apocalypse and these undocumented migrants driving undocumented scooters may or may not come from a culture that kills cops. Are these really the people getting free housing and food?

Violent crime has gotten so bad that bodegas have installed panic buttons. This is what making no human illegal does because when you import people from the scummiest place on earth, you end up becoming one of the scummiest places on earth.

Second question for the libs: If all cultures are equal, why does everyone want to come to this culture and no one wants to go to their culture?

Unclear if progressives have an answer other than racism or something, but innocent people are getting hurt and the left could care less. Democrats will disregard that Americans are dying because not all cultures are equal and will come up with any abhorrent excuse from the communist manifesto to pretend that all this is much ado about nothing.

At least our fruit is not rotting.

It feels like every day we hear about a new tragic, preventable act committed by migrants while the left turns a blind eye to the destruction they cause. It’s unknown what the end goal is here, but it seems as if the people lawmakers are sworn to protect are suffering the most.

Exclusive Footage: Sketchy Migrants From Everywhere Invade NYC!www.youtube.com