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Hey, everyone else is going to throw their two cents in, why not me?

I mentioned this in the Drunk Blog chat: in a parallel universe, an evil version of me might have felt sorry for the shambling, shuffling train wreck of a man, mumbling and fumbling his way through this debate. But the truth is that Joe Biden has always been an evil and avaricious man who has never given a damn about anyone but himself. He may have been juiced up on a cocktail of performance-enhancing drugs, and he may have had a note from his doctor that he had a cold.


I don’t care. 

I know that such a thought is not very Christian of me,  but to be honest, Christians have an obligation to call out evil when they see it. 

I watched three versions of the debate, jumping back and forth through each of them. Yes, Joe Biden looked lost. He looked adrift. He looked like he dropped his 3X5 cards. But in his ambition and greed, he signed up to be the stalking horse for the radical left. He agreed to be a mouthpiece for the worst aspects of America for his turn in the Oval Office. So if he glitched, if he is dealing with dementia, I cannot find it within myself to summon any pity for him. He sold his soul long ago. He agreed to be a straw-man fool for radical progressives to push their agenda across the finish line. As Victor Davis Hanson once sagely noted, Biden has always been a wicked man. His dementia just makes the wickedness harder to hide.

Listening to Biden keen and whine about the potential for Trump to go after his persecutors, I wanted to vomit. This is the man who has spent much of his term pursuing his political enemies, both great and small, to the ends of the earth. The process has been the punishment under Joe Biden. 


When the topic of jobs came up, I had this to say. Under Trump, I got a new job when I desperately needed one. I also got two promotions and two raises. Under Biden, my former company has drastically reduced its workforce. 

It is easy to joke about how the wheels came off for Biden Thursday night. He glitched, he paused, he got lost, he was in no way prepared for this debate. He was glassy-eyed and confused. While CNN did much better than I thought they would, it was easy to see those moments when the moderators realized that Biden was starting to crater and shouted “Thank you, Mr. Biden!” to try to shut him up before he left a giant, smoking hole in the stage.

But I have no pity for him. He may not know what he is saying 99% of the time, but he signed on for this because he felt entitled to be president. And the people who control him realize he is the perfect puppet to redesign America. 

After tonight, there is no denying the fact that Joe Biden is unfit for his role. Biden has spent a lifetime immersed in his arrogance, greed, and the sense of entitlement that come with being a member of the Democrat party. God’s justice seems slow in coming, and Thursday night, we did not just see the unmasking of Joe Biden. We saw the results of the progressive agenda writ large for everyone to see. Biden may be wrestling with dementia, but the fact that this caricature of a statesman occupies the Oval Office puts the progressive agenda on full display for everyone to see. 


Joe Biden represents every reason why I left the Left. The greed, the arrogance, the duplicity, the svengalis hiding in the shadows, quietly dictating policy — all of those things were exposed Thursday night, And they were exposed by a pathetic performance by an evil man, who has agreed to be a puppet in exchange for selling the soul of a nation.