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We have been discussing the efforts of the hacks in the mainstream media to create a fictional Joe Biden since the early days of the 2020 campaign. When Biden was given his order — almost certainly by his wife — to run again this year, I immediately pointed out that they were going to have to wear themselves out to prop up what he’s become since January of 2021. 


Michelle Cottle is the national politics writer for the Opinion section of The New York Times, which essentially is a master’s degree in creative fiction. Her latest is titled “What Joe Biden Could Learn From Betty White About Aging in Public.” It’s a fallacious humdinger and yet another disturbing peek into the mind of someone so riddled with advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome that she’s convinced herself that Joe Biden is of sound mind and body. 

As is often the case with these lunatic flights of fancy in the Times, the first three or four paragraphs are all one needs to see that the writer is not well. 

The New York Times

In American politics, there is a difference between being old and seeming old — especially when appearing on TV. In her younger political years, Nancy Pelosi was not great in front of the cameras, but she has since morphed into a master of the medium. At 84, she conveys zip, sparkle, flair. She looks as if she’s having fun and, as often as not, as though she is itching to put someone in his place.

Hillary Clinton, 76, increasingly seems like your salty, no-nonsense aunt. Bernie Sanders is old and super cranky but often shows more passion on the Sunday morning news programs than people half his 82 years. Donald Trump is old, but you don’t often notice he’s 78 through all the yelling. On TV, he looks ready to burst through your screen — which I find unsettling, but his fans really seem to enjoy.

Then there’s Joe Biden, whose urgent challenge in the high-stakes presidential debate on Thursday is precisely this: how to be old on TV without seeming old — or worse, elderly.

Mr. Biden is an effective president, but most people don’t watch how someone looks, sounds and moves on TV and think purely about his policy record. 


Any essay or article that contains the phrase, “Mr. Biden is an effective president,” isn’t proceeding from reality. You may as well say, “Mr. Biden is a talented opera singer,” or, “Mr. Biden is everyone’s favorite Miss Teen USA winner.” They’re all sentiments that aren’t based on anything observable in the multiverse. 

Cottle is saying that she has a thing for angry old people who aren’t Donald Trump. We are all in agreement that the bar for Biden’s debate is being set as low as possible by the Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media. This is the clearest indication yet that they’re hoping to get enough amphetamines in him to induce a few “fiery” moments. His people are desperate to have him appear energetic after weeks of freezing and glitching in public. 

You’ll recall that after the State of the Union address, his media minions marveled at his energy. I am a professional entertainer who started in the ’80s; the proper term is “wired.” Biden was able to yell a few times and stand up for an hour, which they tried to turn into him being Abraham Lincoln reincarnated. 

Relevant: Go Away, Hillary — America’s Bitter Drunk Grandma to Release a New Memoir in September

By the way, the dearly missed Betty White doesn’t feature prominently in the article; it’s mostly about fantasizing about a Joe Biden who can’t exist and taking as many shots at Republicans as possible. The tedious Ms. Cottle even gets in a dig at the late Roger Ailes, who apparently isn’t yet dead enough for the Left. 


The best that Biden’s handlers can hope for is some more Adderall-induced flashes of anger, a tendency that also happens to be a classic symptom of age-related dementia. It is true that Biden has always flown off the handle rather easily, but he used to be able to speak English while doing it. 

I’ve been willing to entertain the notion that the Democrats agreed to a pre-convention debate as a way to force Biden to literally and figuratively shuffle off of the political stage. I didn’t think it would happen, but I at least kept an open mind about it. If they really were looking to do that, I don’t think the MSM lapdogs would be writing stuff like this. There would be a lot more of, “Wow, he’s looking rough,” and they would quickly back off propping him up.

Get ready for President Fiery, ladies and gentlemen. 

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