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There is a trend on X-Twitter of reliving classic South Park clips, and this one is a favorite. In 2019, we first started debating — or “debating” in quotes — whether it was fair to allow men to compete against women in sports. By “men” i of course mean beautiful and brave trans-women as they are defined in the AP Style Guide.

On one side, people believe those born as men competing against people born as women is inherently unfair. On the other side, you’re a transphobe if you’re on the first side. As with any of the great debates of our generation, there’s always South Park to respectfully air both sides of the argument.

Here’s what I find most sad about the whole transgender “ladies” in women’s sports. In the olden days, the “moral of the story” was uplifting and usually offered important lessons: it’s wrong to steal, be a nice person, Epstein didn’t kill himself. They were life lessons people needed to hear at that moment to grow into better people.

The life lesson in this clip from 2019 is that maybe, just maybe, opening a discussion just to possibly consider as to whether or not something may or may not be fair does NOT make you a transphobe. Or any -phobe for that matter. That’s the debate.

Or, in my naivete, thought that should have been the debate in 2019. The last five years have had different ideas:

Anyone with half a brain knows it’s unfair to see men competing and taking opportunities away from female athletes in women’s sports. Yet the same side which says it’s championing the rights of women is somehow the same side eager to grant special rights to men… who just say they’re women.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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