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This is a bold strategy in an election year, declaring gun violence a ‘public health’ emergency — a move that surely opens the door for the Democrats to circumvent Congress and pass draconian gun legislation, which has been a long-stated goal of the Democratic Party.


More from ABC News:

The advisory says the impact of firearm violence goes beyond deaths and injuries; it leads to cascading harm and collective trauma across society and threatens the mental and physical health of young people’s wellbeing, which warrants heightened attention and action.

“We don’t have to continue down this path, and we don’t have to subject our children to the ongoing horror of firearm violence in America. All Americans deserve to live their lives free from firearm violence, as well as from the fear and devastation that it brings. It will take the collective commitment of our nation to turn the tide on firearm violence,” Murthy said.

The advisory outlines an evidence-informed public health approach with prevention strategies that public health leaders and policymakers can consider to reduce and prevent firearm-related death and injury, including by increasing research investments and data collection, implementing risk reduction strategies and engaging communities.

The report also calls for a ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines for civilian use and says firearms should be treated like other consumer products to enhance and standardize safety.



A couple of things:

First — when are 19-year-olds considered ‘kids’? Only for the purpose of gun violence. If it was a 19-year-old seeking a gender reassignment procedure, he’d be an adult who can make his own choices.

Second — notice the one suggestion the report doesn’t make is prosecuting those who commit gun crimes and putting them in prison.

See? We’re not the only one who noticed that.

Perhaps gun violence would decrease if criminals knew they’d spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

It’s a purely political move in an election year.

See? Not one word about enforcing current gun laws.


The post reads after the cut off:

Gun violence affects us all – whether it be firearm suicide, unintentional injuries, mass shootings, or community gun violence. Every day, hospitals and emergency rooms witness the devastating impacts of gun-related injuries and fatalities. These tragedies ripple through families, communities, and the very fabric of our society.

The Surgeon General’s advisory highlights the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address this epidemic, including:

-Enhanced Research and Data Collection: We need robust data to understand the root causes and develop effective interventions.

-Community-Based Initiatives: Supporting local programs that focus on violence prevention, education, and support for at-risk individuals.

-Policy Advocacy: Promoting sensible gun policy that focuses on firearm safety and violence prevention 

-Healthcare Provider Engagement: Empowering medical professionals to counsel patients on gun safety and recognize signs of potential violence

-Resources For Those Exposed to Gun Violence: The secondary trauma and mental health effects of exposure are vast and crippling

As healthcare professionals, we have a unique role in mitigating this crisis. By integrating preventive measures into our practices, advocating for evidence-based policies, and collaborating with community leaders, we can make meaningful strides towards a safer future.

Let’s heed this advisory not as a mere recommendation, but as a clarion call to action. Together, we can turn the tide on gun violence and create a healthier, safer environment for all.


It’s pivotal, all right. But not in the way the Left is hoping it’ll be.

They’re not getting our guns. Ever.

They fudge the numbers to get the results they want.

Yep. Good luck with that, champ.

Magically plummet.

Yes it was.

Cashless bail. ‘Restorative justice’. A revolving-door criminal system.

Of course, the Second Amendment still exists — regardless of whether or not the Surgeon General declares gun violence an ‘epidemic’. But COVID set the precedent that once something is a ‘public emergency’, the government can do whatever it wants — rights of the people be damned.

So don’t be surprised if nothing good comes out of the Biden administration over this. And expect a prolonged battle in the courts (again) to defend our rights against those who would strip us of them to pursue their political agenda.
