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Go Away, Hillary — America’s Bitter Drunk Grandma to Release a New Memoir in September

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America’s most infamous election denier is crawling out of her box of breakfast wine for a book tour in the fall. We can file this one under “Things Nobody Asked For.” 


Hillary Clinton was overcome by the need to write another memoir. She certainly doesn’t need the money. The Clinton Foundation scam has provided a lot of financial comfort for Hillary and her, um, husband. The pension support they’re each getting from American taxpayers is practically throwaway change for them. 

I don’t know what kinds of life lessons Mrs. Bill thinks she’s learned during her Trump-induced Chappaqua exile, but she’s going to force them on us whether we like it or not. 

The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton will publish a new book — her 11th — on Sept. 17, publisher Simon & Schuster announced Tuesday.

The memoir, “Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty,” will arrive just seven weeks before Election Day. It will be both personal and political, reflecting on her marriage, friendships and the process of aging, as well as offering her views on topics including Russia and the upcoming U.S. election. Clinton will also narrate the audiobook version. Her tour for the book will include stops in Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago and Washington.

“The book reads like you’re sitting down with your smartest, funniest, most passionate friend over a long meal,” Simon & Schuster editor in chief Priscilla Painton said in a news release. “This is the Hillary Americans have come to know and love: candid, engaged, humorous, self-deprecating — and always learning.”


I will forever reject the notion that Hillary Clinton has some sort of natural constituency out there that’s hanging around because they “know and love” her. Voters loved her husband. As a result, she enjoyed a 13-year-long coattails ride in Washington as a United States Senator and the Secretary of State. 

She only got the Senate gig because Rudy Giuliani got cancer, probably as a result of the deal with the Devil Hillary made when she decided to stay married to Bill. 

I said, “probably,” but you know that you have thought the same thing before. 

The real Hillary Clinton entered the 2008 Democratic primary season as a dominant favorite. When Barack Obama decided that he was bored after serving only half of is first U.S. Senate term and entered the race, the Democrats tossed Hillary aside like an afterthought. Heck, the Lightbringer probably only nominated her for the SoS gig because he felt sorry for her. 

Due to the fact that the Dems think that diversity is a résumé builder, Mrs. Clinton was given a shot at an entitled coronation she felt she didn’t have to work for redemption in 2016. Beyoncé, Cher, and John Mellencamp were spectacular failures at getting Hillary across the finish line. Her “Look, celebrities like me!” campaign shtick didn’t resonate with Marge and Sam Everydayvoter in flyover country. Celebrities only enter into transactional relationships; Hillary has never figured out that they aren’t really her friends. 


By the time that the 2016 election rolled around, Hillary Clinton had been in the national public eye for almost a quarter century. Her campaign tried something in the neighborhood of 60 different slogans to try and help the voters get to know her better. At that point, it was laughable to think that the problem was that voters didn’t know Mrs. Clinton well.

It was that they did. 

Because Bill Clinton was, as my friend Stephen Green often points out, the greatest retail politician of the last three or so decades, his wife still gets the royal treatment. The usual suspects like the cackling harridans on “The View,” or the unpopular kids’ cafeteria  table known as “Morning Joe” will fawn over this book as if actual wit and wisdom were imparted. 

The Democrats really do know how to play the long game, this book tour is going to be yet more proxy campaign help for President LOLEightyonemillion. Mrs. Clinton will bark “Russia!” “J6!” and “Felon!” on a loop, but it’s not going to do anything but make the people who already hate Trump still hate him.

Then she can slink back to her Franzia and once again stir her cauldron of bitterness, probably while making the household staff refer to her as “Madame President.” 


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