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Back on June 10, we told you the story of Eithan Haim, who blew the whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital performing “gender-affirming” surgeries on minors even after they’d been outlawed by the state legislature. Another whistleblower came forward and said that the hospital was billing Medicaid for these banned sex-change surgeries. The Biden administration sent two FBI agents to her house. You see, the FBI is going after Haim for violating HIPAA laws and threatening him with up to 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.


Meanwhile, someone is doing something:

The doctors who were secretly performing illegal procedures on minors could face prison? Crazy.

NRO staff writer Caroline Downey says Texas Children’s Hospital is doubling down.



We’ve been assured by the Biden administration that puberty blockers are 100 percent reversible.


“Science is real” … and so are 57 genders.

But if a boy says he feels like a girl, you need to put him on puberty blockers and hormones right away or else he’ll kill himself. There’s no time to waste.


You have to affirm the children’s gender at a time in their lives when they’re most susceptible to suggestion and manipulation. Are you a boy or a girl? A girl? Let’s get started on treatment right away.
