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The Left — who has never hesitated to use the courts to jam their agenda down our throats — suddenly has a problem with the fact they don’t have a stranglehold on the Supreme Court anymore, and it’s made them absolutely unhinged.


Rep. Hakeem Jeffries is the latest to whine about ‘extreme MAGA Republicans’ using SCOTUS to push their ideology.

And it’s always just about abortion.

Hakeem is engaged in major projection here.

He’s got his priorities, and protecting Jews from his fellow leftists isn’t one of them.

Excellent question.

The answer is: the Left really doesn’t like democracy, because people may vote in ways they disagree with.



It’s (D)ifferent when they do it.


Because the Constitution limits their dictatorial dreams.

It’s very dangerous, and Jeffries knows this.

It really is.

Exactly all of this.


Nailed it.

As is pretty much everything that comes out of the Democratic Party these day.

It’s all projection.

We’ve got tissues.

It is. To the Left.

It keeps coming up, and will keep coming up between now and November.

But it’s definitely old, debunked, and worn out.