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British researchers are suggesting that because lactose intolerance is a thing, that must mean milk is racist, because, of course. Unclear if chocolate milk is also racist, but cow’s milk supposedly has a colonial past that was never a thing until white people forced the world to drink it. Duh.

According to The Daily Mail:

Academics at an Oxford museum will research the ‘political nature’ of milk and its ‘colonial legacies’.

One of the experts involved has previously argued that milk is a ‘Northern European obsession’ that has been imposed on other parts of the world.

No one is forcing anyone to drink milk, and just because one group of people drank it does not make it inherently evil. And if we really want to learn about the “political nature of milk” I would assume these people should start with the cow but that does not seem to be the direction the “researchers” will be taking.

Dr Johanna Zetterstrom-Sharp said the assumption that milk was a key part of the human diet ‘may be understood as a white supremacist one’, as many populations outside Europe and North America have high levels of lactose intolerance in adulthood.

The Raw Milk Institute actually suggests that it’s the pasteurization of milk that creates this intolerance and that a lot of people don’t have this issue with raw dairy. But whether or not this is true, it’s not like Europeans genetically modified the milk to make it racist so it really is unclear how they can correlate this to white supremacy.

The milk project will be based at the History of Science Museum in Oxford, which announced it had received funding. The size of the grant has not yet been revealed.

The museum said: ‘By focusing on communities intersecting industry, aid and government regulation, the project aims to centre on heritage as a vital framework for understanding how colonial legacies influence contemporary issues and affect people’s lives.

Anyone who labels themself as a “researcher” is now given money to “research” anything these days no matter how asinine it is.

‘The project will question both the imagined and real aspects of milk, revealing the intimate and political nature of this everyday substance.’

Wait, what? They are going to look at the “imagined” aspects of milk. So part of the “research” won’t even be based in reality? What is going on? I guess that’s not surprising considering milk is not racist but how else can they admit they will “research” things that don’t exist and still be awarded money?

They essentially just admitted they are making things up at this point and are being rewarded for that.

This is a blatant misuse of public funds and these people need to be prosecuted for being painfully incompetent.

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