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For Immediate Release: June 24, 2024
Contact: [email protected]

Interactive Map Highlights States Where Life Is Protected & Where the Left’s Abortion Agenda Puts Them at Risk

Washington, D.C. – Two years after the Dobbs Supreme Court decision restored the right of the people and their elected representatives to protect unborn children from abortion, an estimated 200,902 lives are protected annually thanks to pro-life laws in 24 states. This year 14 pro-life states also passed laws strengthening their pro-life safety net, including funding for pregnancy centers, child care assistance, and health coverage for postpartum moms.

New interactive maps at lifesavinglaws.com, launched by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, track progress and threats to life across the country: states with pro-life laws, states with pro-abortion laws, pro-abortion constitutional amendments, and states at risk from President Biden and the Democrats’ all-trimester national abortion agenda.

To promote awareness of the life-saving impact of Dobbs, mothers are sharing their stories of gratitude for pro-life laws that protected their children.

Neesha Lewis, a Georgia mom and medical professional, is thankful for her state’s pro-life law. When she became unexpectedly pregnant, she called to schedule an abortion but was told her state had a heartbeat limit. Through a friend at church, she was connected with a pregnancy center and pursued an open adoption.

“Georgia’s heartbeat law saved my son’s life and blessed a wonderful couple with the perfect little family through adoption. This law has allowed for my son’s heart to continue to beat strong and steady, while giving my heart more love and joy than I ever thought possible,” said Lewis.

Ashley Steckman’s son Jacob was saved after his birth mother sought an abortion at Planned Parenthood at 22 weeks pregnant. Because Florida’s 15-week late-term abortion limit had recently taken effect, she chose adoption instead.

“My husband and I are beyond grateful, thankful, and appreciative to Jacob’s birth mother for her sacrificial decision and her courage in pursuing adoption,” said Steckman. “Without the Supreme Court’s decision, Florida’s pro-life law, and her willingness to choose life rather than pursue abortion elsewhere, our special almost 2-year-old baby boy would not be alive today. This Dobbs anniversary marks two years of babies whose lives have been saved with one of those lives being Jacob’s. Jacob has brought nothing but true joy and a new sense of happiness to our lives.”

SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser emphasized the significance of this moment in the ongoing fight for life:

“We celebrate hundreds of thousands of children protected in the Dobbs era and the opportunity to truly serve the needs of mothers – a mission the pro-life movement has championed for over 50 years and embraces now more than ever. The stories of women like Neesha and Ashley and their children, who are thriving today and give credit to pro-life laws for a more joyful life than they could have imagined, are beautiful and deserve to be shouted from the rooftops.

“There is still much work ahead to ensure that every mother and child is supported and protected. Meanwhile we are just one election cycle away from having every gain for life ripped away. Joe Biden and the Democrats are hell-bent on banning protections for unborn children, spreading fear and lies, and forcing all-trimester abortion any time for any reason – even when babies can feel pain – as national law. With total power in Washington they will rewrite the rules of the Senate, enact their woefully misnamed Women’s Health Protection Act, end the pro-life majority on the Supreme Court and shut down the pro-life safety net so that abortion is the only option left. They must be defeated, or this Dobbs anniversary could be the last.”

This year SBA Pro-Life America and its partner super PAC Women Speak Out announced their largest voter contact program yet, with a planned $92 million investment to reach 10 million voters—including making four million visits directly at their homes – across eight key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is a network of more than one million pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.


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